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WENDWG12 (2022)

  Last Update: 3 December 2021 (Voir page en anglais)

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La Secretaría de la OHI comunica la información importante a los Estados Miembros (EMs) por Carta Circular (CC). Algunas Cartas Circulares invitan a los Estados Miembros a proporcionar su contribución a la Secretaría (pe. la aprobación de nuevas ediciones de Normas de la OHI).  En los casos en los que se invite a los EMs a proporcionar su contribución mediante el formulario en línea,  el enlace al formulario estará incluido en la CC (se proporciona información adicional en la CC N.° 20/2019). En esta página están incluidas únicamente las CCs de este año y del año pasado. Todas las CCs de los años anteriores están disponibles en el Archivo de documentos con motor de búsqueda del sitio web de la OHI.

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Lettres circulaires

Le Secrétariat de l'OHI communique les informations importantes aux Etats membres (EM) par lettres circulaires (LC). Certaines LC invitent les Etats membres à fournir des commentaires en retour au Secrétariat (par exemple pour l'approbation des nouvelles éditions des normes de l'OHI).  Lorsque les EM sont invités à transmettre leurs commentaires à l'aide du formulaire en ligne, le lien vers le formulaire est inclus dans la LC. (Pour toute information complémentaire, se référer à la LC 20/2019). Les LC de toutes les années précédentes sont disponibles dans la section consultable de l'OHI Document Archive.   Les lettres circulaires en espagnol sont disponible ICI  

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ABLOS11 Conference (2023)

The 11th ABLOS Conference will be held 11-12 October 2023, @ IHO Secretariat, Monaco. The latest information will be available on the dedicated conference website.

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Événements et enregistrements

  Les documents sont disponibles en anglais uniquement et peuvent être consultées ici.

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World Oceans Day video

How can mapping the seabed contribute to initiatives like the Ocean Decade? The IHO produced a video for World Oceans Day which highlights some of the ways hydrography can contribute to increasing our knowledge of the ocean. 

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World Oceans Day video


Ancien site internet et certains services indisponibles

Suite à un incendie chez l'un des fournisseurs de services d'hébergement internet, l'ancien site internet de l'OHI et certains documents sur le site de l'OHI sont actuellement indisponibles.

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Ancien site internet et certains services indisponibles


L'Infrastructure de données spatiales maritimes (MSDI) dans la région du Pacifique sud-ouest a été créée dans le but de promouvoir le développement et l'utilisation durables des océans, des mers et des eaux intérieures, conformément aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies. L'effort de la CHPSO en matière de MSDI est basé sur les 9 voies stratégiques du Cadre intégré d'information géospatiale de l'UN-GGIM IGIF (gestion globale de l'information géospatiale des Nations Unies) - Le MSDIWG de la CHPSO est un organe subsidiaire de la Commission hydrographique du Pacifique sud-ouest (CHPSO) de l'OHI. Ses travaux sont soumis à l'approbation de la CHPSO. Pour plus d'informations sur les membres et ses documents respectifs, veuillez consulter la page en anglais ici.

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Anciens étudiants

Catégorie « A » Mastère en sciences hydrographiques - 23 anciens étudiants Année Pays (en anglais) Nom Poste (en anglais) Organisation (en anglais) 2023-2024 (2) Romania Mr. Cristian-Ionel VASILIU Operations and Surveys officer Romanian Maritime Hydrographic Directorate Türkiye Mr. Mustafa KANAT Navigation and Operations Officer Hydrography and Oceanography 2022-2023 (1) lien vers le rapport Guatemala Mr. Diego Fernando MENDEZ PORTA Navy Officer Direccion general de Asuntos Marítimos 2021-2022 (3)   lien vers l'article Philippines Mr. Marlon ESTROPIA Hydrographer, Electronics Engineer National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) Bangladesh Mr. Zubayer AHMED Officer in Charge, Chart Department Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center (BNHOC) Thailand Mr. Nuttachai LUANGARAM Officer of Hydrographic database and international maritime boundary section Hydrographic Department, Royal Thai Navy 2019-2020 (2) Mexico Mr. Adrian MONTUFAR Sub-Director of Hydrographic Surveys Secretaria de Marina-Armada de Mexico Tunisia Mr. Rami LAMOUCHI Marine Navigation Engineer Tunisian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center 2018-2019 (2) Estonia Mr. Kirill ANJUTIN Senior Hydrographer Estonian Maritime Administration Malaysia Mr. Mohd Massuoadi bin MOHD ZUKRI Staff Officer of Hydrographic Operation National Hydrographic Centre 2017-2018 (1) Romania Ms. Valentina Cornelia PAVEL Navy Officer Romanian Hydrographic Directorate, Navy 2016-2017 (2) Malaysia Mr. Abdul Halim AHMAD NORDIN Staff Officer in Policy and Development (Survey Technical) Department National Hydrographic Centre Philippines Mr. Gilbert Avila ALVIOLA Chief Survey Officer of a survey vessel National Mapping and Resource Information Authority 2015-2016 (4) Bahrain Mr. Jasim BUTAIBA Hydrographic Surveyor Hydrographic Information & Map Production Section, Hydrographic Survey Directorate Mauritius Mr. Devendra Ragoonath MADHOW Senior Surveyor Ministry of Housing and Lands Nigeria Mr. Babatunde Luqman AKANBI Instructor Nigerian Navy Hydrographic School Borokiri, Port Harcourt Nigeria Romania Mr. Lucian DUTU Hydrographic Surveyor Romanian Hydrographic Directorate, Navy 2014-2015 (3) Bangladesh LtCdr. Shaikh Imtiaz Bin FIROZ Executive Officer Bangladesh Naval Academy Nigeria Sub Lt. Uchechukwu Kelechi EREGE Instructor Negerian Navy Hydrographic School, Nigerian Navy Hydrographi Office Philippines Mr. Maylord DE CHAVEZ Hydrographic Surveyor National Mapping and Resource Information Authority 2013-2014 (3) Bangladesh LtCdr. Mohammad Minhaz UDDIN Staff Officer Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre Jamaica Mr. Antonio Aitherando Jamau WILLIAMS Chief Hydrographer Survey and Mapping Division, National Land Agency Mauritius Mr. Hembal TECKMUN Senior Surveyor Hydrographic Unit, Ministry of Housing and Lands     Catégorie « B » Programme de cartographie marine - 25 anciens étudiants Année Pays (en anglais) Nom Poste (en anglais) Organisation (en anglais) 2023 (9) Guatemala Mr. Walther Danilo QUIROZ GONZÁLEZ Lieutenant(O3), Evaluator Officer Maritime Affairs, Ministry of National Defense, Guatemala Georgia Mr. Giorgi RURUA Cartographer State Hydrographic Service of Georgia Nigeria Ms. Mercy Modupe OGUNGBAMILA Sub Lieutenant / Staff Officer 3 Cartography Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office Greece Mr. Nikolaos GRAMMATIKOPOULOS Chief Petty Officer Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service Saudi Arabia Mr. Ali Farhan S ALZAHRANI Chemical Engineer  General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information Philippines Mr. Mike Aldrin C. DACATIMBAN Engineer II / Nautical Cartographer National Mapping and Resource Information Authority Oman Mr. Abdullah Ali Saleh AL BULUSHI Cartographer Oman National Hydrographic Office(ONHO), Oman Ghana Mr. Samuel Ago MANTEY Cartographer Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority, Ghana Australia Ms. Amanda-Ashley BOSKOVSKI GIS Analyst Australian Hydrographic Office 2019 (8) Fiji* Ms. Sulueti SAVOU Chart Compilation Assistant Fiji Hydrographic Office Indonesia Mr. Alin ABIMANYU Chief Officer, Hydrographic Division of Survey Unit 7 Indonesian Hydrographic Office Singapore Mr. Ken LEE Senior Technical Executive, Cartographic Department Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Sri Lanka Mr. Nalin HERATH Manager Training and Hydrographic Surveyor Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service Suriname Ms. Christy WARMOEN Head, Hydrography and Fairway Management Maritime Authority Suriname Republic of Korea* Ms. Ji-min KO Hydrographer Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Republic of Korea* Ms. Seung-eun JUNG Hydrographer Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Venezuela Mr. Yamfran CHANG SULBARAN Head, Strategic Cartography Area, Division of Nautical Cartography Navy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 2015-2017 (8) Bahrain Mr. Omar Alshaer Cartographer Hydrographic Survey Directorate Cuba Ms. Vivian Hernandez Espinosa Head of ENC Production/Maintenance/Update Team Oficina Nacional de Hidrografia Y Geodesia Ecuador Mr. Edison Enrique Guaman Mejillones Head of ENC Team Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Philippines* Mr. Fortunato III Bancolo Engineer III National Mapping & Resource Information Authority Philippines* Mr. Ruel Macayan Cartographer National Mapping & Resource Information Authority Republic of Korea* Mr. Suyu Kim Hydrographic Surveyor Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Republic of Korea* Ms. Wonju Jeong Hydrographic Surveyor Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Vietnam Mr. Manh Dong Duy Deputy Head of Hydrography Section under Hydrographic Survey Division Vietnam Maritime Safety - North * Soutien supplémentaire de la République de Corée   Catégorie « B » Programme de levés hydrographiques - 25 anciens étudiants Année Pays (en anglais) Nom Poste (en anglais) Organisation (en anglais) 2022 (13) Cameroon Mr. Cyrille Valery NDONO TOLO Hydrographer Port Authority of Douala Georgia Mr. Giorgi KARTVELISHVILI Head of Hydrography survey and Cartography Department State Hydrographic Service of Georgia Greece Ms. Anastasia PAPADIMITRIOU 1st Class Petty Officer Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service Guyana Mr. Kelwin GITTENS Surveyor Maritime Administration Department Indonesia Mr. Rizal Yuniar MALAWI Coastal Line and Navigational Aid Affairs Officer, Junior Grade Navy Hydrography and Oceanography Centre, Indonesia Navy (Pushidrosal) Iran (I.R. of) Mr. Seyed Mojtaba ZAREI Maritime Safety Expert Port and Maritime Organization Jamaica Mr. Brian SCOTT Assistant Hydtographic / Geodetic Surveyor Surveys and Mapping Division Nigeria Mr. Ekemini Sunday WILLIAMSON Survey Team Leader Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office Republic of Korea* Mr. Jeongik LEE Hydrographic Surveyor Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Republic of Korea* Ms. Boram JANG Hydrographic Surveyor Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Republic of Korea* Mr. Wooju KIM Hydrographic Surveyor Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Singapore Ms. Liling KOK Assistant Manager Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Ukraine Mr. Maksym ZAVARZIN Hydrographic Surveying Engineer State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine 2018 (12) Colombia Mr. Harold ROJAS MACIAS Hydrographer Oceanographic and Hydrographic Research Center of the Caribbean Cyprus Ms. Chrysanthi KLEANTHOUS Technical Engineer Headquarters of Department of Lands and Surveys Fiji* Mr. Elimi KURUSIGA Seaman Fiji Hydrographic Office Georgia Mr. Levani KORTAVA Hydrographic Survey Engineer State Hydrographic Service of Georgia Jamaica Mr. Omar O'Neil GREY Assistant Hydrographic Surveyor National Land Agency Philippines* Ms. Geraldine Osorio RONQUILLO Assistant Chief Scientist / Senior Hydrographer National Mapping & Resource Information Authority Philippines* Mr. Alvin Victa ABRAHAM Assistant Chief Scientist / Hydrographic Survey Officer National Mapping & Resource Information Authority Republic of Korea* Mr. Sungyoung PARK Hydrographic Surveyor Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Republic of Korea* Mr. Daehyun KIM Hydrographic Surveyor Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Russia Mr. Maksim KHANIN Hydrographic Surveyor Department of Navigation and Oceanography, Ministry of Defense Tunisia Mr. Houssem SADKI Chief of Hydrographic Surveys Team Tunisian Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center Uruguay Mr. Matias COCCARO Hydrographer Servicio de Oceanografia, Hidrografia Y Meteorología de la Armada * Soutien supplémentaire de la République de Corée   Formation pour les formateurs en hydrographie fondamentale - 31 anciens étudiants Année Pays (en anglais) Nom Poste (en anglais) Organisation (en anglais) 2021 (23) Bangladesh Mr. Syed Shoeb MAHMUD Officer Instructor Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic School Bulgaria Mr. Nikolay LYASKOVSKI Head of Hydrography Section Bulgarian Navy Hydrographic Service Chile Mr. Jorge MATUS Chief of Planning Division on the Hydrography Dep't Servicio Hidrografico y Oceanografico de la Armada Colombia Mr. Omar Sebastián ÁLVAREZ ORDUZ Commander of a signaling vessel Colombian Maritime Authority Colombia Mr. Dagoberto DAVID VITERI Int'l Hydrography and Cartography Affairs Advisor Colombian Maritime Authority Georgia Mr. Giorgi KARTVELISHVILI Head of Cartography & Hydrographic Survey Division State Hydrographic Service of Georgia Georgia Mr. Levani KORTAVA Hydrographer State Hydrographic Service of Georgia Ghana Mr. Issac YIRENKYI Port Hydrographic Surveyor Ghaha Ports and Harbours Authority Guatemala Mr. Walther Danilo QUIROZ GONZÁLEZ Naval Officer Naval School of Guatemala Latvia Mr. Bruno SPELS Head of Hydrographic Department Hydrographic Service, Maritime Administration of Latvia Mauritius Mr. Nishal Kumar ANUTH Senior Surveyor Mauritius Hydrographic Service Myanmar Mr. NAING OO Deputy Chief Hydrographer Myanmar Naval Hydrographic Center Nigeria Mr. Adeniran OYENUSI Staff Officer Data Processing, Hydrographic Dep't Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Office Peru Mr. Renzo MENACHO GARCIA Commander of a hydrographic vessel Peruvian Navy Republic of Korea Mr. Wooju KIM Hydrographer Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Republic of Korea Mr. KyungAh PARK Hydrographer Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Saudi Arabia Mr. Hani ABUDAWOOD Hydrographic Surveyor, Operations & Training Dep't General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information Singapore Mr. Mohammad Abdul Hafidz Alhaq BIN SUDERMAN Hydrographic Surveyor Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Sri Lanka Mr. Rathnayake Mudiyanselage Chandana Kumara RATHNAYAKE Assistant Skipper & Hydrographer of a RV Sri Lanka Navy Hydrographic Service Thailand Mr. Sanhanat ITSAMA-AEL Executive Officer of a survey vessel & Senior Hydrographic Surveyor Thai Hydrographic Dep't Tunisia Mr. Jamel MANSOUR Head of Technical Division & Hydrographic Survey Team Tunisian Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center Venezuela Mr. Daniel ROJAS CONTRERAS Head of Marine Cartography & Hydrographic Ops Hydrography and Navigation Service of Venezuela Vietnam Mr. Truong CAO HOANG Deputy Head of Hydrographic Survey Team Vietnamese Hydrographic Office 2019 (8) Colombia Mr. Javier GOMEZ Coordinator of the Scientific Research and Maritime Signaling Group Maritime Authority of Colombia Croatia Ms. Ana BABIC Hydrographic Surveyor Hydrographic Department of Hydrographic Institute Malaysia Mr. Mohd Farhan MOHD NORDIN Staff Officer in Human Resource Management National Hydrographic Centre Myanmar Mr. Myat KYAW ZIN THANT Hydrographic Surveyor Grade 2 Hydrographic Survey Department, Myanmar Port Authority, Ministry of Transport and Communications Nigeria Mr. Abubakar AKKA IBRAHIM Chief Instructor Nigerian Navy Hydrographic School, Borokiri Port Harbour Republic of Korea Mr. Sungyong PARK Assistant Director Hydrographic Survey Division, Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Republic of Korea Mr. Yunsik LEE Assistant Director Hydrographic Survey Division, Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency Uruguay Mr. Jose Pedro DOMINGUEZ VILORIA Chief Hydrographer Department of Oceanography, Hydrography, Meteorology and Aids to Navigation, SOHMA  

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