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La Secretaría de la OHI comunica la información importante a los Estados Miembros (EMs) por Carta Circular (CC). Algunas Cartas Circulares invitan a los Estados Miembros a proporcionar su contribución a la Secretaría (pe. la aprobación de nuevas ediciones de Normas de la OHI).  En los casos en los que se invite a los EMs a proporcionar su contribución mediante el formulario en línea,  el enlace al formulario estará incluido en la CC (se proporciona información adicional en la CC N.° 20/2019). En esta página están incluidas únicamente las CCs de este año y del año pasado. Todas las CCs de los años anteriores están disponibles en el Archivo de documentos con motor de búsqueda del sitio web de la OHI.

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Lettres circulaires

Le Secrétariat de l'OHI communique les informations importantes aux Etats membres (EM) par lettres circulaires (LC). Certaines LC invitent les Etats membres à fournir des commentaires en retour au Secrétariat (par exemple pour l'approbation des nouvelles éditions des normes de l'OHI).  Lorsque les EM sont invités à transmettre leurs commentaires à l'aide du formulaire en ligne, le lien vers le formulaire est inclus dans la LC. (Pour toute information complémentaire, se référer à la LC 20/2019). Les LC de toutes les années précédentes sont disponibles dans la section consultable de l'OHI Document Archive.   Les lettres circulaires en espagnol sont disponible ICI  

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Why CSB?

Participating in the CSB Initiative benefits both those collecting the data and the communities of  data users. These data contribute to increasing our knowledge, information which supports local regional and global initiatives in favour of the sustainable use of the oceans. They can also contribute to improved knowledge of seabed topography and better bathymetric maps or hydrographic charts in previously uncharted areas or areas lacking accurate data. This in turn can help avoid groundings and make navigation safer for all. 

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S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model

S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model The IHO has developed the S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model to cater for future demands for digital products and services.  The S-100 Geospatial Information Registry contains several Registers containing managed lists of concepts, features attributes metadata, and other resources used to develop product specifications.

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S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model

S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model The IHO has developed the S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model to cater for future demands for digital products and services.  The S-100 Geospatial Information Registry contains several Registers containing managed lists of concepts, features attributes metadata, and other resources used to develop product specifications.

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Logo OHI

IHO LOGO- Eglish version   IHO LOGO - French version   IHO Logo - Spanish version   IHO Anchor Tile   IHO Tiles - Engl_ish - French & Spanish                               

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CBSC 20 - (2022) Réunion Intersessionnelle

17 mars 2022 10h30 - 13h30 (CET UTC+1) Tous les documents de la Réunion sont publiés ici

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CBSC 19 - (2021) Réunion Intersessionnelle

25 - 26 Février 2021 11h00 - 13h00 (CET UTC+1)   Tous les documents de la Réunion sont publiés ici

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BSHC26 (2021)

LIST OF DOCUMENTS 26th Meeting  Stockholm, Sweden, 21 - 23 September 2021 Post Meeting Documents: [Photo] [Minutes] [Actions] Up dated:   6 January 2021   Document No Document Title BSHC26-Letter1 BSHC26 Letter of Invitation BSHC26-Letter1 Annex 1 Logistic Information BSHC26-Letter1 Annex 2 Hotel Booking Form for BSHC26 (Word version) BSHC26-Letter1 Annex 3 Draft Agenda v1.0 BSHC26-Letter1 Annex 4 Draft Programme v1.0 BSHC26_A1.2_List_Documents List of Documents BSHC26_A3_Agenda Agenda for 26th Meeting of the BSHC v1.0 BSHC26_A4_BSHC25_Final_Minutes BSHC25 Final Meeting Minutes BSHC26_B2_IHO IHO Secretariat Report BSHC26_B3.1_National_Report_Denmark National Report of Denmark BSHC26_B3.2_National_Report_Estonia National Report of  Estonia BSHC26_B3.3_National_Report_Finland National Report of Finland BSHC26_B3.4_National_Report_Germany National Report of Germany BSHC26_B3.5_National_Report_Latvia National Report of Latvia BSHC26_B3.6_National_Report_Lithuania National Report of Lithuania BSHC26_B3.7_National_Report_Poland National Report of Poland BSHC26_B3.8_National_Report_Russian Federation National Report of Russian Federation BSHC26_B3.9_National_Report_Sweden National Report of Sweden BSHC26_B4_IHO-EU Network_SE IHO-EU Network Report BSHC26_C1.1_FI MWG Report BSHC26_C1.2_FI HELCOM Re-survey Scheme - update BSHC26_C1.3_FI HELCOM Maritime 20 re-survey assessment BSHC26_C2_SE Chart Datum WG Report BSHC26_C3_SE BSBDWG WG Report BSHC26_C4_DK BS-NSMSDIWG Report BSHC26_C5_SE BSMSIWG Report BSHC26_C6_SE FAMOS Project Report BSHC26_D1_FI WEND-WG Report BSHC26_D2_FI BSICCWG Report BSHC26_D5_DK Crowdsourced Bathymetry (CSB) BSHC26_D6_DE/DK UN-GGIMWGMG BSHC26_E1_SE Amended Statues BSCH26_Presentations BSHC26_Draft_Actions Draft Actions BSHC26_Draft_Minutes Draft Minutes

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