ENC Data Protection S-57
The IHO Data Protection Scheme defines security constructs and operating procedures that must be followed by Data Servers (providers of data) and Data Clients (systems that use the data).
The purpose of data protection scheme is to provide:
1. Piracy Protection: i.e. to prevent unauthorised use of data by encrypting the ENC information.
2. Selective Access: i.e. to restrict access to ENC information to only those cells that a customer has been licenced for.
3. Authentication: i.e to provide assurance that the ENC data has come from approved sources
There are currently two IHO security schemes. The S-63 Scheme, is used for ENC's and ECDIS based on the S-57 Standard. The S-100 Scheme (currently being implemented for testing), is intended for S-100 based products (e.g. S-101, S-102 etc).
Please note that the IHO is currently in the process of updating our OEM and Data Server agreements and process. As part of our new process, we are recommending that OEMs developing new S-63 and S-100 compatible display system use the generic M_ID and M_KEY codes provided in S-64 and S-164. Please use the provided link here to download the generic credentials. Under normal circumstances the IHO will only issue final OEM credentials once an OEM is ready to launch their final product to market. If this causes you any issues, or you feel that final OEM credentials are required for you to operate, please contact the IHO to discuss the matter further. |
S-63 Documents and Resources
The main S-63 Documents are available in English and French and can be downloaded from the IHO Publications Download page.
- OEM and Data Servers applications should use the joint S-63 and S-100 Request Forms and Agreements listed below.
Annex A - Data Server Certificate request documents, for both the S-63 and S-100 schemes;
Annex B - Manufacturer information request documents, for both the S-63 and S-100 schemes;
Please note; all submissions should include two printed copies of the Agreement documents. Both copies should include relevant signatures on the signature page (last page), and all other pages (at bottom right corner). (Both paper copies of the OEM Agreement document must be original signatures).
Please send all paper document to:
International Hydrographic Organization
4b, Quai Antoine I-er
B.P. 445
MC 98011 Monaco Cedex
Principauté de Monaco
IHO Top Level Certificates
- IHO S-63 Scheme Administrator Certificate - (expiry date - February 2033).
Other Resources
- S-64 Test Data Set (for OEM implementors)
- S-63 Test Data Set (and Test Data Implementation Guide for scheme implementors)
- S-63 Guidance Notes - developed to assist both OEMs data servers implement the S-63 security system.
S-100 Scheme Documents and Resources
The S-100 Security Scheme is describe in Part 15 of the latest S-100 IHO Universal Hydrographic Data Model document, which is available from the IHO Publications Download page.
The OEM and Data Server Application Form and Agreement documents (for both schemes) are provided above;
Compliant S-100 Edition* | Note |
S-100 Ed.5.2_SA Certificate | Expiry date - March 2074 |
Expiry date - September 2051
(Testing and Implementation version)
* Please note that the IHO data protection scheme should only be applied to operation versions of S-100 based products that comply with at least Ed.5.2.0 of S-100.
Test Datasets - the S-100 Security Scheme testdata (which are based on the S-64 testdata) are included in the following zip files:
- 1.ZIP (ref datacontent of S64 test 2.1.1) exchange set containing cells, text and picture files
- 2.ZIP (ref datacontent of S64 test 2.2.2) exchange set containing updates to one of the cells in 1.ZIP
- PERMITS.ZIP contains the permit file applicable for all the cells in above exchange sets with a separate signature file for the permit file.
Note: the consolidated signature file S63_SIGNATURES.XML is located in the INFO folder for 1.ZIP and 2.ZIP exchange sets.
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