Standards and Specifications
Reference |
Description |
Downloads |
S-4 |
Regulations for International (INT) Charts and Chart Specifications of the IHO (English: Edition 4.9.0, March 2021 - Publication date: April 2021) |
S-4 |
Associated Documents (INT 1, INT 2, INT 3): |
INT 1 Symbols and Abbreviations used on Paper Charts (current English version, Edition 8, 2020) (UKHO Terms of Use, Conditions of Release and Disclaimer - See also Other Publications) |
INT 1 Símbolos, Abreviaturas y Términos Utilizados en las Cartas, (versión española, Edición 7, 2022) |
INT 2 Borders, Graduation,Grids and Linear Scales (Edition 4, 2007) |
INT 3 Use of Symbols and Abbreviations (Edition 1, 2023) |
For further information on emerging or changing requirements for nautical charts, please consult the – Nautical Cartography Bulletins |
S-5A |
Standards of Competence for Category "A" Hydrographic Surveyors (Edition 1.0.2, June 2018) |
S-5B |
Standards of Competence for Category "B" Hydrographic Surveyors (Edition 1.0.1, June 2017) |
S-8A |
Standards of Competence for Category "A" Nautical Cartographers (Edition 1.0.1, June 2018) |
S-8B |
Standards of Competence for Category "B" Nautical Cartographers (Edition 1.0.0, September 2017) |
Companion documents : b) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Edition 1.0.2, August 2023) |
S-11 |
Guidance for the Preparation and Maintenance of International (INT) Chart and ENC Schemes and Catalogue of International (INT) Charts |
Part B - INTernational Chart Web Catalogue, Associated Webservices and User Manuals
Part C - Under discussion at HSSC-16 and IRCC-16 | ||
S-12 |
Standardization of List of Lights and Fog Signals (June 2004 - Corrections to June 2006) |
S-23 |
Limits of Oceans and Seas (1953). Sheet maps 1, 2 and 3 |
S-23 Component Documents : Please note: This document, and higher resolution sheet maps, are also available from the IHO, on CD ROM. |
S-32 |
Hydrographic Dictionary (last change 10 July 2023) Diccionario Hidrográfico 水文词典 Kamus Hidrografi |
S-32 App1 |
Hydrographic Dictionary - Glossary of ECDIS Related Terms - Inserted in database version |
S-44 |
IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (Edition 6.1.0, October 2022)
Normas de la OHI para los Levantamientos Hidrográficos (Edición 6.1.0, septiembre del 2022) * The Chinese translation of S-44 - IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys, is kindly provided by the China Maritime Safety Administration. ** The Spanish translation of S-44 - IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys, is kindly provided by the Spanish Hydrographic Office. |
Chinese * Español** |
S-49 |
Standardization of Mariners' Routeing Guides (Edition 2.1.0, September 2020) |
S-52 |
Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS (Edition 6.1(.1), October 2014 - with Clarifications up to June 2015) Annex A to S-52 - IHO ECDIS Presentation Library |
S-52 Component Documents: |
S-53 |
Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Manual on Maritime Safety Information (January 2016) Manual conjunto OMI/OHI/OMM relativo a la Información sobre Seguridad Maritima (2016) -----------------------------
Appendix 1 List of NAVAREA and Sub-Area Coordinators- Operational points of contact (see COMSAR Circ 58) |
S-57 |
IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data (Edition 3.1.0, November 2000) - Main Document |
S-57 Component Documents:
NOTE: The IHO standard S-57 contains the outdated terms, Master and Slave. These terms were widely use within computing when the standard was first published. However, the IHO have recognised these terms are no longer acceptable, and all future IHO standards will no longer reference them. For backwards compatibility and to avoid any unintended consequences the IHO will not update the current edition of S-57 to modify any of the language used. |
S-58 |
ENC Validation Checks (Edition 8.0.0, October 2024) NOTE: The IHO standard S-58 contains the outdated terms, Master and Slave. These terms were widely use within computing when the standard was first published. However, the IHO have recognised these terms are no longer acceptable, and all future IHO standards will no longer reference them. For backwards compatibility and to avoid any unintended consequences the IHO will not update the current edition of S-58 to modify any of the language used. S-58 Associated References: |
S-60 |
User´s Handbook on Datum Transformations involving WGS 84 (July 2003 - Last correction August 2008) |
S-61 |
Product Specification for Raster Navigational Charts (RNC) (January 1999) |
S-62 |
List of IHO Data Producer Codes (current edition)
Cumulative list of changes to S-62 (last change 11 March 2025 |
S-63 |
IHO Data Protection Scheme (Edition 1.2.1, March 2020) |
S-63 / S-100 Security Scheme documents (listed below) are available from the Security Scheme Page. These documents include:
S-64 |
IHO Test Data Sets for ECDIS (Edition 3.0(.3), December 2020) |
S-65 |
ENCs: Production, Maintenance and Distribution Guidance (Edition 2.1.0, May 2017) |
S-65 Annex A |
High Density (HD) ENC Production and Maintenance Guidance (Edition 1.1.0, July 2024) |
S-65 Annex B |
S-57 ENC to S-101 Conversion Guidance (Edition 1.2.0, April 2024) NOTE: S-65 Annex B Edition 1.2.0 is released for implementation and testing purposes only. |
English |
S-66 |
Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage Requirements (Edition 2.0.0, October 2024) Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage Requirements (Edition 1.1.0, January 2018) |
Related IMO Circulars:
Japanese translation of S-66 and associated IMO Circulars is provided courtesy of the Japan Hydrographic Association (JHA). |
S-67 |
Mariners’ Guide to Accuracy of Depth Information in Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) (Edition 1.0.0, September 2020) The English version of S-67 has been incorporated into IHO Publication S-66 - Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage Requirements (Edition 2.0.0, October 2024)
Guía de los Navegantes sobre la Exactitud de las Cartas Náuticas Electrónicas (ENC) (Edición 1.0.0, septiembre 2020 * The Chinese translation of S-67 - Mariners’ Guide to Accuracy of Depth Information in Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC), is kindly provided by the China Maritime Safety Administration. |
Chinese * |
S-68 |
Guidelines and Recommendations for Hydrographic Offices for the Allocation of CATZOC/QOBD Values from Survey Data (Edition 1.0.0, July 2023) |
S-97 |
IHO Guidelines for Creating S-100 Product Specifications (Edition 1.1.0, June 2020) |
S-98 |
Data Product Interoperability in S-100 Navigation Systems (Edition 1.0.0, May 2022) NOTE: S-98 Edition 1.0.0 is released for implementation and testing purposes only. |
English |
S-98 Component Documents:
S-99 |
Operational Procedures for the Organization and Management of the IHO Geospatial Information Registry (Edition 2.0.0, October 2022) |
S-100 |
IHO Universal Hydrographic Data Model (Edition 5.2.0, June 2024) S-100 based Product Specifications xml schemas Please note: the S-100 (Part 15) Security Scheme applications document for OEMs and Data Servers are available from the Data Protection Scheme S-100 based Product Specifications may be based on a previous Edition of S-100. For reference, previous Editions of S-100 are available here:
IHO Registry |
IHO Geospatial Information (GI) Registry The IHO GI Registry is an online resource that comprises several Registers which contain organised lists of hydrographic related information |
IHO S-100 based Product Specifications (S-1XX): |
S-101 |
ENC Product Specification (Edition 2.0.0, December 2024) |
S-102 |
Bathymetric Surface Product Specification (Edition 3.0.0, December 2024) |
S-104 |
Water Level Information for Surface Navigation Product Specification (Edition 2.0.0, December 2024) |
S-111 |
Surface Currents Product Specification (Edition 2.0.0, December 2024) |
S-121 |
Maritime Limits and Boundaries Product Specification (Edition 1.0.0, October 2019) |
S-122 |
Marine Protected Areas (Edition 1.0.0, January 2019) |
S-123 |
Marine Radio Services (Edition 1.0.0, January 2019) |
S-124 | Navigational Warnings (Edition 1.0.0, May 2023) | Link |
S-127 |
Marine Traffic Management (Edition 1.0.0, December 2018) |
S-128 | Catalogue of Nautical Products (Edition 1.0.0, May 2022) | |
S-129 |
Under Keel Clearance Management (Edition 2.0.0, December 2024) |
S-130 |
Polygonal Demarkations of Global Sea Areas (Edition 1.0.0, April 2023) |
S-131 |
Marine Harbour Infrastructure (Edition 1.0.0, April 2023) |
A complete list of all S-100 based Product Specifications, including Product Specifications in development and published, is maintained here |
S-158:101 |
Electronic Navigational Chart Validation Checks (Edition 1.0.0, January 2025) Please note: S-158:101 Edition 1.0.0 is released for implementation and testing purposes only. |
English |
S-164 |
IHO Test Data Sets in ECDIS - Instruction Manual for the Use of IHO Test Data Sets in ECDIS (Edition 1.0.0, March 2023) Please note: S-164 Edition 1.0.0 is released for implementation and testing purposes only. |
English |
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