CBSC17 (2019)

17th Capacity Building Sub-Committee Meeting (CBSC17)

Genoa, Italy (29-31 May 2019)

List of Documents

CBSC17 Report - Annex A: Updated 2019 CBWP - Annex B: 2020 CBMP - Annex C: Adopted 2020 CBWP - Annex D: List of Actions (Updated) - Annex E: List of Decisions Photograph


Meeting documents (Template for RHC CB Coordinators / Template for other documents):

Document N. Document Title
CBSC17-01A List of Documents (Secretary) - this document
CBSC17-01B v.3 List of Participants (Chair)
CBSC17-01C CBSC Membership (Chair)
CBSC17-01D CBSC ToR and RoP (Chair)
CBSC17-01E ToR for the CB Coordinators (Chair)
CBSC17-02 Agenda and Timetable (Chair)
CBSC17-03A Minutes of CBSC16 (Chair)
CBSC17-03B Status of Action List from CBSC16 (Secretary) Word
CBSC17-04A Report by the Chair (Chair) Presentation
CBSC17-04B Report by the IHO Secretariat (Secretary) Presentation
CBSC17-05.1A NSHC Report (verbal)
CBSC17-05.1B v.2 MBSHC Report Presentation Excel
CBSC17-05.1C BSHC Report (verbal)
CBSC17-05.1D USCHC Report 
CBSC17-05.1E EAHC Report Presentation Excel
CBSC17-05.1F EAtHC Report Presentation Excel
CBSC17-05.1G SEPRHC Report Presentation
CBSC17-05.1H SWPHC Report Presentation Excel
CBSC17-05.1I MACHC Report Presentation
CBSC17-05.1J SAIHC Report Presentation
CBSC17-05.1K NIOHC Report Presentation
CBSC17-05.1L RSAHC Report
CBSC17-05.1M SWAtHC Report Presentation Excel
CBSC17-05.2 Closed 2018 CBWP
CBSC17-06A Pacific Region Navigation Initiative - PRNI (NZ) Powerpoint
CBSC17-06B Risk Assessment at GCR (MACHC) Powerpoint
CBSC17-06C CME Project (UK) Powerpoint
CBSC17-06D EAHC-TRDC (EAHC) Powerpoint
CBSC17-06E Cancelled
CBSC17-06F:ATTENTION!! FOCAHIMECA Project (Mexico) Powerpoint
CBSC17-06G:ATTENTION!! Italian CB Activities (Italy) Powerpoint
CBSC17-06H v.2 SDB Training (EOMAP)
CBSC17-06I JICA Training (Japan)
CBSC17-07A IHO Capacity Building Strategy (Chair)
CBSC17-07B Decisions and Actions from C-2 (Secretary)
CBSC17-08.1 Draft CB Procedure 9 on Technical Visits (Secretary)
CBSC17-08.2 CB Management System update (ROK/Secretary) Presentation
CBSC17-08.3A C-55 Status and Developments (Secretary) Excel
CBSC17-08.3B C-55 Limitations and Recommendations (C-55RPT Chair)
CBSC17-08.4A Performance Indicators (Chair)
CBSC17-08.4B CHART Project Analysis (IHO Secretariat)
CBSC17-08.5 Legislation Model for NHC/NHCC (Secretary)
CBSC17-08.6A MBSHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6B EAHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6C EAtHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6D SEPRHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6E SWPHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6F MACHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6G SAIHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6H NIOHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6I RSAHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-08.6J SWAtHC 3-year Work Plan
CBSC17-09.1 v.2 Updated 2019 CBWP (Secretary)
CBSC17-09.2 Finance Report (Secretary)
CBSC17-09.3 v.2 Draft 2020 CB Management Plan (Secretary) Proposals from RHCs
CBSC17-09.4 Adopted 2020 CBWP (to be prepared during the meeting)
CBSC17-13 Draft list of actions and decisions from CBSC17 (prepared during the meeting) Word

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