MSDIWG12 (2021)

MSDIWG12 Meeting -  17 to 18 March 2021

Post Meeting Documents: [Minutes, Annex A -Work Plan 2021/24, Annex B - List of actions] - [Photo1] [Photo2] [Photo3]

[Invitation Letter] [IHO Online Registration] [Template for submission of papers

LINKS for GoToMeeting Sessions

Wed, Mar 17, 2021 13:45 - 18:00 (CET)

Thu, Mar 18, 2021 13:45 - 18:00 (CET)

Doc Number Date Title    
MSDIWG12on-01A   List of Documents (this document)
MSDIWG12-01B    List of Participants (Secretariat)
MSDIWG12-01C   List of MSDIWG Members and Expert Contributors (Chair)
MSDIWG12on-01D  15MAR21 Agenda and Timetable V3 (Chair) 
MSDIWG12on-01F 15JAN21 Terms of Reference (Chair)
MSDIWG12on-02   MSDIWG11 Bulletin Report
MSDIWG12on-02A 15JAN21 Action Items from MSDIWG11 (Chair) 
MSDIWG12on-02B 31MAY21 MSDIWG Work Programme 2018-2021 (Chair) 
MSDIWG12on-02C   Decisions of the 2nd IHO Assembly (Chair)
MSDIWG12on-02D   Summary Report of the 4th Council (Chair)
MSDIWG12on-02E   IHO Strategic Plan 2021-2026(Chair)
    National and Regional Reports
MSDIWG12on-04A   National Report - Brazil (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04B   National Report - Canada (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04C   National Report - Denmark (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04D   National Report - Netherlands (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04E   National Report - New Zealand (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04F   National Report - Norway (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04G   National Report - Republic of Korea (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04H   National Report - Singapore (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04I   National Report - Spain (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-04J   National Report - USA (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-4K   Regional Report - Baltic and North Sea (Presentation)
    External Stakeholders
MSDIWG12on-05A   Hydrospatial (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-05B   Arctic SDI (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-05C   Arctic MSDI and Arctic Voyage Planning Guide (Presentation)
MSDIWG12on-05D   Seabed 2030 (Presentation)
    MSDI Work Plan
MSDIWG12on-08A   Draft MSDIWG Work Plan_2021-24
    UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
MSDIWG12-10A   UN-GGIM - Guide Role Standards Geospatial
MSDIWG12-10C   The use of S-100 in relation to MSDI/MSP (Presentation)
MSDIWG12-10D   UN-GGIM IGIF updates (Presentation)

IHO-Singapore Innovation and Technology

Laboratory (Presentation)

MSDIWG12-11A   OGC Federated MSDI Pilot (Presentation)
MSDIWG12-11B   MSDI training material – The need for update (Presentation)
    Update of work plan and action list
MSDIWG12on-12A 11MAY21 List of Actions V3.1
    Recent Documents in the Body of Knowledge

Artic RHC: IHO MSDIWG CaseStudy Arctic MSDI Use Case


USA GDA: U.S. Geospatial Data Act (GDA) of 2018 Fact Sheet


USA GDA: U.S. Geospatial Data Act of 2018


USA GDA: U.S. Geospatial Data Act of 2018 Summary

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