

IALA-IHO Workshop in hydrography and marine aids to navigation in Africa: risk analysis, hydrographic survey specification and aids to navigation management - Rabat, Morocco (21-24 October 2019) Access page
IMO-IALA-IHO Regional Seminar on Safety of Navigation - Accra, Ghana (7-9 April 2014) Final report

MOWCA/IHO Sub-regional Workshop on developing Hydrographic Services in Western and Central Africa (18-19 November 2013, Pointe-Noire, Repubic of the Congo)

Atelier sous-régional OMAOC/OHI sur le développement des services hydrographiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (18-19 novembre 2013, Pointe Noire, République du Congo)

Rapport final


OMI-AISM-OHI Séminaire régional d'information sur la sécurité de la navigation - Nouakchott, Mauritanie (23-25 septembre 2013) Rapport final
Maritime Safety Information Training Course - Accra, Ghana (15-17 September 2009) Documents
1st IHO Seminar for EAtHC Chairmen of National Hydrographic Committees - Trieste, Italy (10-14 October 2005). Note: Full Proceedings of the Seminar on CD, in English and/or French, are available from the IHB; use contact form Final Report
Procédure et modèle pour la soumission de demande de soutien au CBSC Document




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Dernière modification: 05/12/2024 - 10:05