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Cartas Circulares del Consejo
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Folleto de la OHI
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lettres circulaires
La Secretaría de la OHI comunica la información importante a los Estados Miembros (EMs) por Carta Circular (CC). Algunas Cartas Circulares invitan a los Estados Miembros a proporcionar su contribución a la Secretaría (pe. la aprobación de nuevas ediciones de Normas de la OHI). En los casos en los que se invite a los EMs a proporcionar su contribución mediante el formulario en línea, el enlace al formulario estará incluido en la CC (se proporciona información adicional en la CC N.° 20/2019). En esta página están incluidas únicamente las CCs de este año y del año pasado. Todas las CCs de los años anteriores están disponibles en el Archivo de documentos con motor de búsqueda del sitio web de la OHI.
IHO Basic Documents
The basic documents of the IHO compose a constitutional framework, consisting of a set of general regulations for the operations of the organs of the organization, namely the Assembly, the Council and the Finance Committee. Together with agreements made with the Government of H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco and diplomatic notes exchanged between France and Monaco concerning the privileges and immunities of the IHO, all these documents are consolidated in the IHO Publication M-1. This set of basic documents is supplemented by the compilation of all IHO Resolutions in force as IHO Publication M-3 and can be downloaded from the "Publications" section, category "Miscellaneous Publications".
S-124 Project Team (S-124PT)
Chair: Mr Eivind Mong (Canada) Vice-Chair: Secretary:
IHO-Republic of Korea Programme of Technical Cooperation
In line with the MOU between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the IHO for Support of the IHO Programmes signed on 16 June 2011, the Government of the Republic of Korea makes a contribution to the IHO for the capacity building activites but also technical standard as international and regional bases. The Republic of Korea wishes to make a contribution available to the IHO for the purpose of helping developing countries improve their ability to comply with international standards relating to hydrographic surveying, oceanographic observation, nautical charts and electronic navigation charts production. Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA)
Map of Member States
IHO Membership Information The IHO has currently 100 Member States. The IHO Secretariat has been hosted by the Principality of Monaco since the creation of the organization in 1921. More information about IHO Member States (address, phone etc.) is available from the IHO Yearbook (Publications P-5) A large size map is available HERE / Map disclaimer.
ENCWG meetings (old)
Lists of former ENCWG meetings.
The IHO participates in various events throughout the year. This page includes details on some of the events aimed at the broader ocean community.