IHO Council

During the inter-Assembly period the Council coordinates the activities of the Organization within the framework of the strategy, work programme and financial arrangements, prepares proposals concerning the overall strategy and the work programme, considers the financial statements and budget estimates, review proposals submitted to it by subsidiary organs, proposes the establishment of subsidiary organs, reviews draft agreements between the Organization and other organizations.

The Council meets one a year and submits its reports, obervations, recommendations, and draft decisions to the Assembly and the IHO Member States for approval.

The General Regulations applying to the Council and the Rules of Procedures are part of the IHO Publication M-1 and can be downloaded from the Publications section, Category "M" - Miscellaneous.

Chair: Ms Pia Dahl HØJGAARD (Denmark)
Vice-Chair:  Dr Masayuki FUJITA (Japan)

Dr Mathias JONAS, Secretary General (IHO Secretariat) assisted by Assistant Director Eric LANGLOIS (IHO Secretariat)

Composition: One-fourth of, but not less than thirty, Member States shall take seats in the Council, the first two-thirds of whom shall take their seats on a regional basis and the remaining one-third on the basis of hydrographic interests, which shall be defined in the General Regulations.


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Last modified: 25/11/2024 - 14:35