SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group

SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group



At the 36th meeting of SCUFN (Wollongong, Australia, November 2023), the establishment of a SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group was decided (Decisions SCUFN36/05.2/03 and /04 refer). This Sub-Group aims to prepare the future of SCUFN through the development of a new designator model, based on Geographic Feature Unique Identifier, and accepting multilingual attributes for the same feature. The SCUFN Secretary also recommended this Sub-Group to explore the solutions adopted by the International Astronomic Union Working Group on Star Names.

Terms of Reference (EN, FR)
Membership List (as of 26 June 2024)


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Dernière modification: 29/06/2024 - 15:51