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Special contributions from external donors

In addition to the annual contribution from the IHO Budget approved by Member States, the CB Fund receives donations made by governments, international organizations, funding agencies, associations or private individuals in support of the IHO CBWP.

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UFN Project Team


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CBSC21 (2023)

21st Capacity Building Sub-Committee Meeting (CBSC21) Tokyo, Japan 7-9 June 2023   Last Update on the List of Documents:  

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ABLOS27 (2020)

ABLOS 27 Business Meeting Remote GoToMeeting VTC (6 - 8 October 2020)

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RSAHC9 (2022) with ICCWG

9th Meeting  Muscat, Oman (15 - 17 November 2022 with ICCWG)

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Standards in Force

Introduction SOLAS regulations V/18 and V/19, requires that in order to achieve chart carriage requirements (in terms of SOLAS), the ECDIS equipment must conform to the relevant IMO performance standards. ECDIS units on board  are  required  to  comply  with  one  of  two  performance  standards  (either  IMO resolution A.817(19), as amended; or resolution MSC.232(82)), depending on the date of their installation.

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S-52 FAQ's

S-52 Frequently Asked Questions These frequently asked questions (FAQ) address issues that relate to the S-52 standard and the portrayal of colours and symbols in ECDIS.

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ENC Production

Introduction The S-57 "Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data” is the IHO standard to be used for the exchange of digital hydrographic data between national hydrographic offices and for its distribution to manufacturers, mariners and other data users.

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HCA16 (2019)

16th HCA Conference and Seminar on Hydrography at ATCM-42 3 - 5 July 2019 (Prague, Czech Republic)

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