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There are 924 results for “capitulo 1 docx” in All
Training for Trainers Programme (TFT) The TFT is designed to prepare trainers in hydrographic related subjects and will be exposed to teaching methodology and teaching material development. The trainer will then deliver specific training programmes in their own countries, in their mother tongue and using their expertise. The TFT is currently focusing on hydrographic surveying, nautical charting and Maritime Safety Information (MSI). It had been successfully run within the East Asia Hydrographic Commission (EAHC) and is now expanded to the global IHO community.
Category B
Category "B" Programmes in Hydrographic Survey and Nautical Cartography The Republic of Korea (ROK) sponsors Hydrographic Survey and Nautical Cartography programmes Recognized at Category "B" level by the FIG-IHO-ICA IBSC.
Alumni list and distribution
Miscellaneous Publications
(including basic documents)
HSSC Circular Letters
Strategic Plan Review Working Group (Active since 5th November 2024) All SPRWG resources accessible through the IHO Portal (ToRs & RoPs, Members list, supporting documents and meeting minutes) [Tutorial] - How to create your IHO Portal account and register to meetings