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The HDCG is tasked with reviewing and updating the content of the reference version of the IHO Hydrographic Dictionary, currently available in Chinese, English, French, Indonesian, and Spanish, whilst maintaining close liaison with the IHO GI Registry and nationally developed language versions of the Hydrographic Dictionary maintained by individual or groups of Member States.
The TWCWG is tasked with providing technical advice and coordination on matters related to tides, water levels, currents and vertical datum, including integrated water level/current data models. Transfer of Tidal Constituents : An XML Schema has been prepared to facilitate the digital transfer of harmonic tidal constituents. The schema and further information is available from the UKHO web site. Capacity Building : The Working Group has developed a training course on the theory and measurement of tides and water levels in support of hydrography. Course material can be accessed via the link.
Education & Programme Recognition
The IHO places education and training in the frontline of its Capacity Building Programme.
In 1988, the U.S. National Geophysical Data Centre (NGDC) offered to host and operate a Worldwide digital oceanic bathymetry data center on behalf of the IHO Member States. This led to the official establishment (in June 1990) of the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB). Data provided by the IHO Member States are available for download from the DCDB web site. It is possible to search, view or download all available data using the DCDB Web Map Server and GEODAS interfaces (please see below).
External Liaisons
Inter-Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations are recognized as observers to be invited to meetings of the Assembly and all subsidiary organs and subordinate bodies of the IHO in which they have an interest and to which they can make a contribution. The IHO maintains a substantive number of Memoranda of Understanding and Co-operative Agreements with relevant organizations active in the maritime domain.
Finance Documents and Reports
The IHO operates under a three year budget approved by the Assembly and an annual operational Budget endorsed by the Council, overseen by the Finance Committee and approved by the Member-States through correspondence. The most up-to-date list of the Finance Committee Members is linked here. The Member States are informed via Finance Circular Letters which can be downloaded from the Circular Letters section - under the top menu called "About IHO".
IHO Council
During the inter-Assembly period the Council coordinates the activities of the Organization within the framework of the strategy, work programme and financial arrangements, prepares proposals concerning the overall strategy and the work programme, considers the financial statements and budget estimates, review proposals submitted to it by subsidiary organs, proposes the establishment of subsidiary organs, reviews draft agreements between the Organization and other organizations. The Council meets one a year and submits its reports, obervations, recommendations, and draft decisions to the Assembly and the IHO Member States for approval. The General Regulations applying to the Council and the Rules of Procedures are part of the IHO Publication M-1 and can be downloaded from the Publications section, Category "M" - Miscellaneous.
Become a Member State
How to join the IHO to become a member state?
IHO Strategic Plan and Work Programme
The IHO runs a 3-yearly budgetary cycle. Each budget cycle is based on forward forecast approved by the Member States at the previous Assembly. Each yearly forecast is reviewed in the preceding year and any changes approved by the Member States. The approved budget supports an annual work programme that is also approved by the Member States.