Brochure, presentation & videos

The Brochure

The IH Brochure provides a brief outline of the activities of the International Hydrographic Organization.  It is written for a wide audience, catering to all those that have an interest in the safe and efficient navigation of ships, protection of the marine environment and more generally to the improvement of the global economy through the provision of hydrographic services and products.  For further information, see IHO Publication M-2.



 Ocean conservation focus



The Presentation

The IHO Secretariat has produced a generic presentation that desribes the importance of hydrography.  The presentation can be downloaded and used as needed.



Hydrography involves measuring the depth of the water and fixing the position of all the navigational hazards that lie on the seafloor, such as wrecks and rocks. This is done mainly with specialised ships and boats operating echo sounders and sonars, but also using survey aircraft fitted with lasers. Useful information can also be derived sometimes from satellite observations. Hydrography also involves measuring the tide and the currents.

The most well-known application of hydrographic information is for making the nautical charts that all mariners use for navigation. Hydrographic information is required for the safe, efficient and sustainable conduct of every human activity that takes place in, on or under the sea.

These videos provide information on the importance of hydrography.


Hydrography - much more than just nautical charts

Hydrography explained to kids

Have you ever thought of being a hydrographer?

Videos from other sources

Hydrography - how to map the Ocean

The science of hydrography

La science de l'hydrographie

Automated Hydrographic Surface Vehicles

Profil au top, with English subtitles

Profil au top



Thank you to all the IHO Member States and stakeholder organizations who sent in materials and made these videos possible.(see attachments here below)


Increasing our knowledge of the ocean thanks to hydrography


Hydrography, contributing to the UN Ocean Decade
(World Hydrography Day video)


From nautical charts to all ocean data: what is the future of hydrography?




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Last modified: 28/05/2024 - 16:05