Category B

Category "B" Programmes in Hydrographic Survey and Nautical Cartography

The Republic of Korea (ROK) sponsors Hydrographic Survey and Nautical Cartography programmes Recognized at Category "B" level by the FIG-IHO-ICA IBSC.



Nautical Cartography Programme

The Programme is recognized at the Category “B” level by the IBSC against the IHO Publication S-8B - Standards of Competence for Category “B” Nautical Cartographers.


Summary of the Programme

The Programme consists of four Modules and one Specialism.


  • Module 1 represents the foundation module of the programme. It introduces students to the basics of marine data processing, chart work and cartography, building the foundation for Module 2.
Module 1 - Foundations of Marine Geospatial Information
Unit 1
Introduction to Charts and ENCs
Unit 2
Chart Compilation Concepts
Unit 3
ENC Data Concepts
Unit 4
Product Maintenance – Ways of Updating


  • Module 2 Part A includes extensive practical exercises, assignments, hands-on instruction and continuous testing of newly acquired skills.
Module 2 Part A - Marine Data Assessment, Compilation and Production
Unit 1
Chart Design and Planning (Chart Scheming)
Unit 2
Compiling Topography & Coastline
Unit 3
Compiling Bathymetry, including contouring
Unit 4
Compilation of other features
Unit 5
Product Finishing – ENCs and Paper Charts


  • Module 2 Part A (revision) and Part B include extensive practical exercises, assignments, hands-on instruction and continuous testing of newly acquired skills.
Module 2 Part A (revision) and Part B - Marine Data Assessment, Compilation and Production
Unit 6
Evaluating Bathymetry (Advanced)
Unit 7
QC & Workflow
Unit 8
Complex Compilation
Unit 9
Product Finishing: Raster Charts & Printing


  • Module 3 contains the legal and scientific elements of the programme, including geology, oceanography and maritime law.
Module 3 - Marine Environment & Context
Unit 1
Marine Geology
Unit 2
Unit 3
Maritime Law


  • Module 4 represents a self-contained course on Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures (MSDI), including the wider uses of hydrographic data with practical assessments to ensure comprehension.
Module 4 - Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures
Unit 1
Marine Data Products & Services
Unit 2
Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures
Unit 3
MSDI Applications
Unit 4
Marine Information Objects


  • Specialism 1 (Remote Sensing for Hydrographers) is based on the practical use of satellite and aerial imagery for chart compilation and cartography.
Specialism 1 - Remote Sensing for Hydrographers
Unit 1
Photogrammetry Concepts and Techniques
Unit 2
Remote Sensing
Unit 3
Imagery Interpretation



Hydrographic Survey Programme

The Programme is recognized at the Category “B” level by the IBSC against the IHO Publication S-5B - Standards of Competence for Category “B” Hydrographic surveyors.


Summary of the Programme

The programme consists of 15 modules for 16 weeks and a final project lasting 4 weeks (A total of 20 weeks with Theory: 5 weeks; Practical components: 14 weeks; Self-Guided study: 1 week)


15 Modules (16 weeks)


  • Three introductory modules: Introductory modules deliver overview and demonstration to motivate students and give perspective.
2 days
Introduction to Hydrography
5 days
Introduction to Data Collection and Processing
10 days
Computation Tools


  • Eight modules on theory and guided practice covering the scientific content along with practical work.
10 days
Nautical Science
6 days
Earth and Environmental Sciences
6 days
Horizontal and Vertical Positioning
5 days
Water Levels
3 days
Remote Sensing
3 days
Bathymetry (SBES, SSS)
3 days
Bathymetry (MBES)
1 day
Law of the Sea, Liability


  • Four modules on practical work: To reinforce autonomy and theory.
5 days
Land Survey Practice
5 days
6 days
Hydrographic Practice
10 days
Hydrographic Data Management


Final Project (4 weeks)


  • The final project covers planning and preparing for a small survey, data acquisition, processing and deliverables.
16 hours
Design a survey plan
Identify challenges for the survey
36 hours
Set-up survey instrument ground support and onboard
Perform and report on survey offsets, calibration and health checks
26 hours
Deploy and operate MBES, SBES and SSS
Apply QA procedures
Report on survey operations
46 hours
Format and configure collected data
Apply reductions
Perform data cleaning
Assess data quality and analyze the results of the survey
12 hours
Compile survey data for delivery
Create survey products
24 hours
Report of survey
Oral presentation of survey conduct and results

Both programmes are conducted at the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA), Busan, ROK.

Call for applications are made by IHO Circular Letters and includes requirements and logistics.

Link to the latest circular letter
Nautical Cartography Programme (in 2023)
Hydrographic Survey Programme (in 2022)


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Last modified: 06/03/2023 - 16:50