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What is Hydrography ?
Hydrography involves measuring the depth of the water and fixing the position of all the navigational hazards that lie on the seafloor, such as wrecks and rocks. This is done mainly with specialised ships and boats operating echo sounders and sonars, but also using survey aircraft fitted with lasers. Useful information can also be derived sometimes from satellite observations. Hydrography also involves measuring the tide and the currents. The most well-known application of hydrographic information is for making the nautical charts that all mariners use for navigation. Hydrographic information is required for the safe, efficient and sustainable conduct of every human activity that takes place in, on or under the sea.
MSDIWG15 (2024)
15th MEETING OF THE IHO MARINE SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURES WORKING GROUP (MSDIWG15) Bali, Indonesia (4 March to 8 March 2024) (including joint sessions with the UN Working Group on Marine Geospatial Information and the OGC Marine DWG)
MSDIWG13 (2022)
13th MEETING OF THE IHO MARINE SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURES WORKING GROUP (MSDIWG13) Hybrid, Singapore (9 to 13 May 2022) (including joint sessions with the UN Working Group on Marine Geospatial Information and the OGC Marine DWG) In-person participation encouraged
Alumni Workshop (2023)
Catégorie "A" Alumni Workshop 12 - 14 September 2023 Busan, Republic of Korea
Arctic Region Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group
S-102PT15 (2023)
15th meeting of S-102 Bathymetric Surface Project Team (S-102PT15) Singapore / Hybrid Meeting 17 November 2023 (09:00 - 17:00, UTC+8) / Calendar Day Meeting Link (Gotomeeting)
Capacity-Building Sub-Committee discusses new projects and challenges
The Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC) met last week in Denpasar, Bali, for its annual meeting where participants discussed training and education initiatives. Hosted by Pushidrosal, the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre of the Indonesian Navy, the gathering enabled the Committee members to review projects such as the IHO e-learning centre and achievements of the Empowering Women in Hydrography project.

Circular Letters 2022
Cartas Circulares 2023