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Joint IHO-Singapore Innovation and Technology Laboratory Established in Singapore
Singapore and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) launched the Joint IHO-Singapore Innovation and Technology Laboratory on 26 October 2021.

S-100 based Product Specifications
Introduction An S-100 based Product Specification defines a data product, and usually includes additional resources such as a machine readable Feature Catalogue and Portrayal Catalogue, a data Encoding Guide and at least one data encoding format. A guidance document S-97 for developing Product Specifications can be downloaded from the GI registry. A list of known IHO S-100 based product specifications is provided below;
2nd IHO Lab Meeting (2021)
2nd IHO Lab Governing Board Meeting 8th September 2021, 10:00 - 11:00 (UTC+2, CEST) / VTC Event
7th IHO Lab Meeting (2024)
7th Meeting of IHO-Singapore Lab Governing Board 31st May 2024, Tokyo, Japan (Hybrid) / 14:30 - 16:30 (local time)
6th IHO Lab Meeting (2023)
6th Meeting of IHO-Singapore Lab Governing Board 17th November 2023, Singapore (Hybrid)
IHO-Singapore Lab Projects Updated : 25 November 2024
IHO 100 Years
The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) turned 100 on 21 June 2021, with an on-site celebration in Monaco which was broadcast live online.
GGC Intersession Meetings
New IHO guidelines for hydrographic geospatial data
The IHO has published new guidelines for the development of product specifications for the creation of hydrographic geospatial data.