S-100 based Product Specifications
An S-100 based Product Specification defines a data product, and usually includes additional resources such as a machine readable Feature Catalogue and Portrayal Catalogue, a data Encoding Guide and at least one data encoding format. A guidance document S-97 for developing Product Specifications can be downloaded from the GI registry. A list of known IHO S-100 based product specifications is provided below;
- S-97 Guidelines for Creating S-100 Produt Specificatioins
- S-98 Data Product Interoperability in S-100 Navigational Systems
- S-99 Operational Procedures for the Organization and Management of the IHO GI registry
- S-100 IHO Universal Hydrographic Data Model
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) (S-101 to S-199)
- S-101 Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)
- S-102 Bathymetric Surface
- S-103 Sub-surface Navigation
- S-104 Water Level Information for Surface Navigation
- S-111 Surface Currents
- S-112 Open - (See Decision HSSC9/38)
- S-121 Maritime Limits and Boundaries
- S-122 Marine Protected Areas
- S-123 Marine Radio Services
- S-124 Navigational Warnings
- S-125 Marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN)
- S-126 Marine Physical Environment
- S-127 Marine Traffic Management
- S-128 Catalogue of Nautical Products
- S-129 Under Keel Clearance Management (UKCM)
- S-130 Polygonal Demarcations of Global Sea Areas
- S-131 Marine Harbour Infrastructure
- S-164 IHO Test Data Sets for S-100 ECDIS
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse (IALA) (S-201 to S-299)
- S-201 Aids to Navigation Information
- S-210 Inter-VTS Exchange Format
- S-211 Port Call Message Format
- S-212 VTS Digital Service
- S-230 Application Specific Messages
- S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac
- S-245 eLoran ASF Data
- S-246 eLoran Station Almanac
- S-247 Differential eLoran Reference Station Almanac
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (de S-301 to S-399)
- (None proposed yet)
Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG) (S-401 to S-410)
- S-401 IEHG Inland ENC
- S-402 IEHG Bathymetric Inland ENC
WMO Service Commission (SERCOM) (S-411 to S420)
- S-411 Ice Information
- S-412 Weather and Wave Hazards
- S-413 Weather and Wave Conditions
- S-414 Weather and Wave Observations
International Electrotechnical Commission - TC80 (IEC-TC80) (S-421 to S-430)
- S-421 Route Plan
NATO Geospatial Maritime Working Group (GMWG) for Additional Military Layers (AML) (S-501 to 525)
- (None proposed yet)
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