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S-52 FAQ's

S-52 Frequently Asked Questions These frequently asked questions (FAQ) address issues that relate to the S-52 standard and the portrayal of colours and symbols in ECDIS.

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ENC Production

Introduction The S-57 "Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data” is the IHO standard to be used for the exchange of digital hydrographic data between national hydrographic offices and for its distribution to manufacturers, mariners and other data users.

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HCA16 (2019)

16th HCA Conference and Seminar on Hydrography at ATCM-42 3 - 5 July 2019 (Prague, Czech Republic)

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HCA19 (2024)

19th HCA Conference 15 - 18 April 2024,  Venice, Italy (hybrid) --  Conference confirmed in Venice, Italy (same dates). HPWG and Region M Coordination Meeting planned on 15 April pm. New version of the logistic information now available (as of 29 January 2024) -- Last Update: 14 May 2024  

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SAIHC17 (2020)

17th SAIHC Conference Video Tele Conference (VTC) and 9th SAIHC INT Chart Coordination Working Group (ICCWG) 

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SWPHC18 (2021)

18th Meeting 17-19 February 2021, VTC

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SWPHC17 (2020)

17th Meeting 12-14 February 2020, Wollongong, Australia Technical Workshop on MSI for Managers and Disaster Framework 10-11 February 2020, Wollongong, Australia

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SEPRHC14 (2020)

14th Meeting Video Tele Conference (VTC) (15th September 2020)

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SCUFN36 (2023)

36th SCUFN Meeting SCUFN-36, 6 - 10 November 2023, Wollongong, Australia,  face-to-face event Last Update: 5 February 2024    

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