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There are 350 results for “sea” in All
S-121 Project Team
XXXVIIIth Meeting of the GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC38) Hybrid meeting - Held via VTC and locally at the IHO, Monaco, 20-22 April 2022
NSHC37 (2024)
NSHC35 (2022)
35th Meeting Reykjavik, Iceland (5-6 April 2022)
Lebanon joins the IHO
Lebanon has joined the International Hydrographic Organization. By becoming its 94th Member State, Lebanon will benefit from the organization’s resources and expertise in order to improve safety of navigation and contribute to the development of its maritime activities.

66th Meeting (2023)
66th Nordic Hydrographic Commission Meeting 21 - 22 March 2023 / Aalborg, Denmark
64th Meeting (2021)
NHC64 - VTC Meeting 20th ~ 21st April 2021
IHO Assembly sets the priorities for the next 3 years
The IHO Assembly has finished after 3 days of productive meetings. From 16 to 18 November IHO Member States were able to discuss how to move forward on work items, with the Assembly being held by videoconference.