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S-129PT5 (2022)

5th meeting of S-129 UKCM Project Team  23-24 March 2022 / VTC

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S-102PT6 (2020)

6th meeting of S-102 Bathymetric Surface Project Team (S-102PT6) Online Meeting (Goto Meeting Link) 27 October (11:00 to 14:00 CET) 28 October (11:00 to 14:00 CET)

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XLIth Meeting of the GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC41) Nadi, Fiji 4 & 7-8 November 2024

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XXXXth Meeting of the GEBCO Guiding Committee (GGC40) IHO Secretariat, Monaco, 9-10 November 2023   Note: This event follows the GEBCO Map the Gaps Annual Symposium being held at the Musée Océanographique de Monaco 7-8 November. For more info click here.

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The IHO discusses Ocean Mapping at the IOC UNESCO Executive Council Meeting

As part of its mission to contribute proactively to global initiatives in favour of the ocean, the IHO participated in the 55th meeting of the IOC UNESCO Executive Council in Paris 13-17 June 2022. Discussions focused on the state of the ocean and provided insight into how the IHO could contribute to key activities such as the UN Decade, as well as provide an update on joint projects including GEBCO.

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The IHO discusses Ocean Mapping at the IOC UNESCO Executive Council Meeting

WWNWS15 (2023)

15th Meeting of World Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS15) IHO Secretariat, Monaco, 4-8 September 2023

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WWNWS16 (2024)

/uploads/user/Inter-Regional%20Coordination/WWNWS/WWNWS16/WWNWS16_2024_SA_Template%20v%201.0.docx16th Meeting of World Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS16) VALPARAÍSO, CHILE, 02 - 06 SEPTEMBER 2024

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What is progress with crowd-sourced depth data around the world?

The Crowdsourced Bathymetry Working Group met last week to discuss progress on an IHO-led citizen science initiative to collect seafloor depth data. Discussions focused on updating guidance and learning about progress from some of the first trial projects around the world.

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What is progress with crowd-sourced depth data around the world?

Document Review Working Group - DRWG22 (2024)

Document Review Working Group (DRWG22) -  VTC via MS Teams (12-14 March) 0800-1200 UTC        

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