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7th Session of the IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue / London, UK, 14-24 January
The Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (Programme 3 of the IHO Work Programme) supervises the IHO Capactiy Building Strategy, promotes the wider use and collection of marine data and is responsible for the policy matters related to the Worldwide Electronic Navigational Chart Database (WEND), unless otherwise instructed by the Council. The IRCC coordinates and promotes cooperation with other international and regional organizations in areas of mutual interest, including but not limited to the operation of the World-Wide Navigational Warning Service, the development and maintenance of standards of competence for hydrographic surveyors and nautical cartographers, mapping the seafloor and governing undersea feature names.
Circular Letters
The IHO Secretariat communicates important information to Member States (MS) via Circular Letter (CL). Some CLs invite Member States to provide feedback to the Secretariat (e.g. approval of new editions of IHO Standards). In cases where MSs are invited to provide feedback via online form, the link to the form will be included in the CL. Further information is provided in CL 20/2019). All previous years CLs are available from the IHO searchable Document Archive. ________________ Spanish Circular Letters are available HERE