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In 1988, the U.S. National Geophysical Data Centre (NGDC) offered to host and operate a Worldwide digital oceanic bathymetry data center on behalf of the IHO Member States. This led to the official establishment (in June 1990) of the IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB). Data provided by the IHO Member States are available for download from the DCDB web site. It is possible to search, view or download all available data using the DCDB Web Map Server and GEODAS interfaces (please see below).
Mediterranean and Black Seas HC
2nd UN Ocean Conference Lisbon
The Stockholm Environment Institute and the IHO are organizing a side-event on seabed mapping & marine data to support multifunctional spatial planning at the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon. Organized in partnership with IOC-UNESCO, Sweden, the African Union Commission, and the United Kingdom, the event will look at the role of marine data to inform the competing needs of a broad range of ocean stakeholders. Participants will discuss activities, innovations and challenges, as well as technologies and monitoring systems. It will examine how improved data could inform the organization of the marine space to ensure a more sustainable use of ecosystems.

UN Ocean Decade Conference
The IHO and the OECD are co-hosting a satellite event during the UN Ocean Decade conference in Barcelona. Entitled "The Seabed Data We Need for the Ocean We Want," this session aims to look at the importance of advancing our understanding of the ocean and fostering increased investment in related activities.

S-130 PT
Polygonal Demarcations of Global Sea Areas Product Specification and Dataset (S-130) Project Team
NIPWG - Bringing Land and Sea Together (BLAST) - SNPWG Participation.
Standardization of Nautical Publications Information Working Group (SNPWG) Information Page (In English Only)
IENWG13 (2023)
13th Meeting of the IHO-EU Network WG – 13ème réunion du GT du réseau OHI-UE 23 May 2023 (Brest, France) Last Update: 11 December 2023