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Introduction The Hydrographic Services and Standards Programme (Programme 2 of IHO WP) focuses on the implementation of the strategic direction of developing, improving, promulgating and promoting clear, uniform, global hydrographic standards to enhance safety of navigation at sea, protection of the marine environment, maritime security and economic development”. The main elements are:  - Programme Coordination  - Foundational Nautical Cartography Framework  - S-100 Framework  - S-57 Framework  - Support the implementation of e-navigation and Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures (MSDI)  - Hydrographic Surveying  - Hydrographic aspects of UNCLOS  - Other technical standards, specifications, guidelines and tools

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IHO Online Catalogues

IHO Online Catalogues are maintained by the IHO Secretariat.  This includes information provided by the RENCs, the Member States and other organizations.

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List of ENC Working Group Meetings  

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List of MSDI Working Group Meetings

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SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group

SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group    

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ECS Project Team

Electronic Chart System Project Team

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Basic Documents ARMSDIWG

Arctic Region Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group

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S-100 ICE PT meetings

Meetings of S-100 ICE Project Team    Last Update: 18 April 2024

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S-100 Security Scheme PT

S-100 Security Scheme Project Team

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