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WWNWS15 (2023)

15th Meeting of World Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS15) IHO Secretariat, Monaco, 4-8 September 2023

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WWNWS16 (2024)

/uploads/user/Inter-Regional%20Coordination/WWNWS/WWNWS16/WWNWS16_2024_SA_Template%20v%201.0.docx16th Meeting of World Wide Navigational Warning Service Sub-Committee (WWNWS16) VALPARAÍSO, CHILE, 02 - 06 SEPTEMBER 2024

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Document Review Working Group - DRWG22 (2024)

Document Review Working Group (DRWG22) -  VTC via MS Teams (12-14 March) 0800-1200 UTC        

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GI Registry

Introduction S-100 Geospatial Information Registry contains several registers (online databases) that include items of information that are relevant to those communities developing of S-100 based products and services.

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Remote meeting held over two sessions: 1 of 2 - 12:00 - 13:00 UTC - 2 Nov 2021 2 of 2 - 13:00 - 14:00 UTC - 11 Nov 2021

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Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Navigation Project Team (PT) One area of concern of MASS PT is the current lack of specific navigational data that is required to “drive” a MASS or more importantly the lack of any stated rules, regulations or standards relating to navigational data in MASS.

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7th Meeting of S-130 Project Team  5 Feburary 2024  /  VTC (13:00 - 15:00/ UTC+1,CET)   Last Update: 26 Feb 2024

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6th Meeting of S-130 Project Team  28-29 November 2023 /  Monaco 28th Nov: 10:00 ~ 17:00(UTC+1)  /  29th Nov: 09:00 ~ 17:00(UTC+1)   Last Update: 28 Nov 2023

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Collection of videos about S-100 development, testing, and best practices.

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