TSM8 (2021)

8th Test Strategy Meeting - VTC
2 - 4 March 2021 (13:00 ~ 15:00 CET, UTC+1)

Last update: 15 March 2021

Post Meeting Documents: [Draft Minutes] - [Draft Actions] - [Meeting Photo]

Doc Number Date Title    
    Logistics Information and Registration
    Meeting Link
  03Mar TSM8 Meeting Slides
1. Opening and Administrative Arrangements
TSM8-1A   List of Documents (this page)
TSM8-1B 03Mar List of Participants
2. Approval of Joint Agenda
TSM8-2A 01Mar Agenda (rev2.7)
TSM8-2B 01Mar Actions from previous TSM Meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. S-98 Interoperability / S-100 Part16
TSM8-4.1 12Jan S-98 comments Adjudication - Comments
TSM8-4.2 12Jan S-98 Redline
TSM8-4.3 12Jan S-100 Part 16 Comments
TSM8-4.4 12Jan S-100 Part 16 Redline
TSM8-4.5 24Feb IEHG S-98
TSM8-4.6 02Mar S-98 Interoperability Catalogue(PPT)
5. S-100 Dual Fuel ECDIS
TSM8-5.1 27Feb DF - ECDIS Discussion / PPT(rev1)
TSM8-5.2 15Mar S-128 Discussion / Use Case Template / PDF
TSM8-5.3 25Feb S100 Online Testbed / PPT(rev1)
TSM8-5.4 25Feb IMO and S-100
6. S-100 Proposals
TSM8-6.1   S-100 Metadata Update(RedlineCG group first round of comments)
TSM8-6.2 24Feb S-100 Units of Measure
TSM8-6.3 15Jan Displaymode Multiplicity
TSM8-6.4 09Feb Part10a Unknown Attribute Values
TSM8-6.5 22Feb Vertical CRS vice Datum in Metadata (Rev2)
TSM8-6.6 09Feb Part9 Updates Describing Input XML  / Part9 Draft Readline
TSM8-6.7 09Feb Validation of Portrayal Input
TSM8-6.8 09Feb Roles in Feature Catalogues / Descriptive Paper / PPT
TSM8-6.9 01Mar Clarify Portrayal of Cross - Feature Dependencies (Rev1)
TSM8-6.10 22Feb Realtime data handling way forward proposal / PPT
TSM8-6.11 22Feb Revision of GML Annex (Rev1) / PPT
TSM8-6.12 24Feb Additional Vertical Datums for S-104 (Rev1) / PPT
TSM8-6.13 23Feb Part9 input XML  / Portrayal Catalogue(XSD)
TSM8-6.14 25Feb S-100 Geometry and Validation / PPT
TSM8-6.15 27Feb S-100 Part9 Bearing and Distance Offset / PPT
TSM8-6.16 27Feb S-102 Navigation and non-navigation  /  S-102 Ed2.1.0_Redline
  01Mar NIWC Proposal Summaries (TSM8-6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6,9 and 6.13)
    S-100 Edition 5.0.0 Change Proposals Log (19 February 2021)
7. Review of Meeting Actions
8. Date and Venue of Next Meeting
9. Close of Meeting

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