S-100WG4 (2019)

4th S-100 Working Group (S-100WG) Meeting
Aalborg, Denmark
(27 Feb - 1 March 2019)

Post Meeting Documents: [S-100WG4 Minutes and Actions] [.docx] - [Reg WS Photo] [S-102 Photo] [S-100WG4 Photo]

4th S-100WG Documents

Document No

Document Title

1. Opening and Administrative Arrangements

S-100WG4-1.1 List of Documents (this index)
S-100WG4-1.2 List of dMeeting Participants 
(Please ensure that you have register for the meeting using the Online Registration Site).
S-100WG4-1.3 S-100WG - Work Plan and Future Meetings  HSSC Consolidated Workplan (23 Jan 2018) (.docx)
S-100WG4-1.4 Chairs Introduction Slides

2. Approval of the Agenda

S-100WG4-2.1 Agenda  (rev 3)

3. Matters Arrising and HSSC Working Group Reports

S-100WG4-3.1 Approval of S-100WG3 Minutes
S-100WG4-3.2 Review of S-100WG3 Actions
S-100WG4-3.3 HSSC10 Report to Council 2
S-100WG4-3.4 HSSC10 Actions For S-100WG4
S-100WG4-3.5 ENCWG Report
S-100WG4-3.6 NCWG Report                                                                                                             
S-100WG4-3.7 NIPWG Activities [Outcomes of using the Feature Catalogue Builder to create the S-127 feature catalogue]                                                                                                                    [Presentation]
S-100WG4-3.8 DQWG Report                                                                                                             
S-100WG4-3.9 Report from WWNWS-SC / S-124CG

4. S-100 Proposals

S-100WG4-4.1 Dataset Naming Convention for S-100
S-100WG4-4.2 Exchange Catalogue Naming for S-100                                                                          
S-100WG4-4.3 Guidance on how to manage the urn:mrn:iho namespace (moved to 6.4)
S-100WG4-4.4 Proposed clarification on masking         [Revised at Meeting]                                          
S-100WG4-4.5 S-100 Validation Checks and Validation Checks List_Ver 2 (.xlsx)
S-100WG4-4.6 Catalogue CSS Files Proposal (rev 1)                                                                            
S-100WG4-4.7 Palette Support For Symbols Proposal                                                                          
S-100WG4-4.8 Palette Item Transparency Proposal                                                                              
S-100WG4-4.9 Style Sheet Folder Proposal                                                                                         
S-100WG4-4.10 ISO8211 DSC Proposal                                                                                                
S-100WG4-4.11 Proposal to Review S-100 Exchange Set Model (rev 1)                                                    
S-100WG4-4.12 HDF5 File Families  (.docx)                                                                                          
S-100WG4-4.13 Miscellaneous Revisions  (.docx)                                                                                  
S-100WG4-4.14 Miscellaneous Revisions for Gridded and HDF5  (.docx)                                                  
Grid Point Position                                                                                                      
S-100WG4-4.15 Feature Association Field Data Descriptive Field Update                                                 
S-100WG4-4.16 Table Recommended Metadata for Geographic Datasets footnote Correction                    
S-100WG4-4.17 Example Field Table using the DSID field update                                                            
5. S-98 Interoperability Specification
S-100WG4-5.1A S-98 Interoperability Specification for S-100 (redline) and Comments form [.zip format]
S-100WG4-5.1B See also: Interoperability Catalogue - Functional Principles Overview (draft .docx)             
6. S-100 General Topics
S-100WG4-6.1 S-100 Technical Readiness Levels                                                                                
S-100WG4-6.2 S-97 Product Specification Development Guidebook Ed 0.0.2  [.zip format]
(Annex A, B, C, and Comment sheet)  Annex C - Input from DQWG
S-100WG4-6.3 S-100 Infrastructure Development (KHOA)                                                                      
S-100WG4-6.4 Marine Resource Naming Guidance for S-97                                                                  
S-100WG4-6.5 Proposal to create a new ENC distribution protocol
S-100WG4-6.6 Optimisation of the conversion of S-57 data to S-101                                                      
S-100WG4-6.6A Optimised Encoding for S-57 to S-101 conversion
S-100WG4-6.7 Proposal for defining S-100 Compliancy Levels
S-100WG4-6.8 S-100 Data Services via SMART Navigation Platform (rev 1)                                             
S-100WG4-6.9 Update on S-100 Portrayal Catalogue Builder                                                                 
S-100WG4-6.10 Conversion of S-57 Test/Validation data to S-101
S-100WG4-6.11 Roles and Association Management by S-100 FCB                                                        
S-100WG4-6.12 Progress Report on S-101 Feature Catalogue 1.0.0                                                        
S-100WG4-6.13A S-100 GI Registry Updates and Plan for 3rd Registry
S-100WG4-6.13B Activities of the IHO GI Registry and Workshop Summary                                               
7. S-100 Project Team Reports and Proposals
S-100WG4-7.1 S-102 PT5 Report  [See also S-102PT5-3.1b above - Bag to S-102 conversion SW]          
S-100WG4-7.2 S-121 MLB Product Specification Edition 1.0.0                                                              
   - Annex A - DCEG
   - Annex B - Encoding
   - Annex F - Derivation of Classes (Informative)
   - UML Models (.eap)
Additional resources
S-100WG4-7.3 S-129 Draft Product Specification 28 Feb                                                            
[Presentation 28 Feb]
S-100WG4-7.4 S-101 PT Report  (Latest S-101 FC - 14-2-19)  [rename .piz to zip]                                  
S-100WG4-7.5 S-124 CG Report                                                                                                         
8. S-100 Test Bed Reports
S-100WG4-8.1 S-100 Test Bed Reporting Template (ver2)
S-100WG4-8.2 SPAWAR Test Bed Report                                                    

Summary of Change Proposals                                                                                     

S-100WG4-8.3 Ship simulator based S-100 Test System                                                                      
S-100WG4-8.4 KHOA Test bed Report                                                                                                
9. External Liaison Reports
S-100WG4-9.1 ISO/TC211                                                                                                                  
S-100WG4-9.2 OGC                                                                                                                          
S-100WG4-9.3 IEC
S-100WG4-9.4 IEHG                                                                                                                          
S-100WG4-9.5 WMO - JCOMM

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