TSM9 (2023)

9th Test Strategy Meeting
7 - 10 March 2023  / Seoul, Republic of Korea

Last update: 10 Mar 2023

Post Meeting Documents: [Decisions and Actions_as of 28March2023] - [Meeting Photo1Photo2Photo3]

Doc # Date Title     Remark
  18 Jan23 Logistics Information  
    Participants : Invitees only  
1. Opening and Administrative Arrangements  
TSM9-1.1   List of Documents (this page)  
TSM9-1.2 22Feb23 List of Participants  
2. Approval of Agenda  
TSM9-2.1 2Mar23 Draft Agenda_rev2.1(.doc.pdf)  /  Timetable  
TSM9-2.2 27Feb23 Actions from previous TSM Meeting  
3. Matters Arising  
TSM9-3.1 27Feb23 Actions from S-100WG7 Meeting  
4. S-100 Proposal   
TSM9-4.1 03Jan23
  • NIWC TSM8 Proposal Summaries (.xlsx)_Removed
  • Part9 input xml hints (TSM8-6.13)
TSM9-4.2a 21Feb23 Revised S-100 Part8  
TSM9-4.2b 21Feb23 Draft redline S-100 Part 8 (.doc.pdf)  
TSM9-4.3 21Feb23 Alignment with Part 8 Change Proposal
TSM9-4.4 28Feb23 Alignement with Part 8 Supplement Change Proposal
TSM9-4.5 21Feb23 Draft redline S-100 Part 10c (.doc.pdf)  
TSM9-4.6 23Feb23 Proposals to Improve Machine Readability in S-100 for S-124 GUI Requirements  
TSM9-4.7 27Feb23 ISO8211 Description of Complex Attributes  
TSM9-4.8 27Feb23 S100_DatasetDiscoveryMetadata attributes replacedData and dataReplacement  
TSM9-4.9 27Feb23 DatasetDiscoveryMetadata attribute notForNavigation  
TSM9-4.10 27Feb23 ServiceDataModel table missing in Part 14  
TSM9-4.11 01Mar23 Add VisibleParts to LineSymbolPlacement S-100WG7-4.6
TSM9-4.12 01Mar23 Alert Catalog must support Graphical Highlighting Style S-100WG7-4.7
TSM9-4.13 01Mar23 Part 13 Extension for Spatial Relations involving MultiPoint Geometries S-100WG7-4.9
TSM9-4.14 01Mar23 Primary Association between FeatureTypes S-100WG7-4.20/20a
TSM9-4.15 01Mar23 Exchange Sets Containing only External Resources / Presentation  
TSM9-4.16 01Mar23 Dataset Cancellations without Datafiles  / Presentation  
TSM9-4.17 01Mar23 Management of External Resources Extended Description  
TSM9-4.18 01Mar23 S100_SupportFileDiscoveryMetadata attributes supportedResource and resourcePurpose /  Presentation  
TSM9-4.19 01Mar23 S100_SupportFileDiscoveryMetadata attributes revisionStatus vs editionNumber  
TSM9-4.20 01Mar23 ISOMetadataFile destination in the Exchange Catalogue  
TSM9-4.21 01Mar23 S-100 Part 15 UML Diagram with Class Details  
TSM9-4.22 01Mar23 Inconsistencies between XSD Schema and Part 15  
TSM9-4.23 01Mar23 ISOMetadataFile Clarification  
TSM9-4.24 01Mar23 IHO Data Protection Policy   
TSM9-4.25 02Mar23 Correction for S-100 Product Specification Change Proposal
TSM9-4.26 03Mar23 Concepts for Associations (PPT) Information
TSM9-4.27 03Mar23 Redline Part9 SVG profile (.doc)   /     Zip(shemas)  
  10Mar23 Draft Redline Part 10a  /  Part 14 /  Part 15  /  Part 17  
5. S-164  
TSM9-5.1 27Feb23 Release Note for S-164 Ed.1.0.0  
TSM9-5.2 27Feb23 Draft S-164 Ed.1.0.0 - Test Data Sets in ECDIS (.pdf)  
TSM9-5.3 8Mar23 S-164 Presentation   
6. S-100 Validation  
TSM9-6.1 6Mar23

S-100 Validation Tests Progress_rev1

7. S-98  
TSM9-7.1 22Feb23 S-98 Interoperability Specification_Unresolved comments (.zip) S-100WG7-5.1
TSM9-7.2 22Feb23 Standardization of the Portrayal of Shared Edges   S-100WG7-5.2
TSM9-7.3 28Feb23 Tighter Control of dataset import to S-100 ECDIS  
TSM9-7.4 28Feb23 Observation on S-128     /   S-128 Notes (PPT)  
TSM9-7.5 28Feb23 Official vs Unofficial Data and Producer Codes  
TSM9-7.5a 03Mar23 Official vs Unofficial Data (Sperry Marine)  
TSM9-7.6 01Mar23 OEM Guidance on Application of Changes to Viewing Groups (Discussion thread in Github) S-101PT5 Test bed
8. Test Bed  
TSM9-8.1 08Mar23 Progress Status of S-100 Infra System_rev1  
9. Any Other Business  
TSM9-9.1 07Mar23 S-412 Presentation (ppt)  
10. Review of Meeting Actions  
11. Date and Venue of Next Meeting  
12. Close of Meeting

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Dernière modification: 17/07/2024 - 10:00