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Calendar CBSC Activities

Capacity Building Calendar where the relevant remote activities of the Regions (Seminars, workshops and courses) could be advertised to provide more publicity and allow Members from other regions to participate. The hours are indicated in Monaco time zone. Please read the "Description" to have information about the respective time zone of the event.

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USCHC48 Meeting (2025)

48th US/Canada Hydrographic Commission (USCHC) Meeting  Wilmington, North Carolina  / March 20-21, 2025  

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Cartas Circulares y Documentos de la Asamblea

pueden acceder AQUÍ          

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Página en Español

Los idiomas oficiales de la OHI son el Inglés y el Francés, pero algunos recursos están disponibles también en Español, y podrán acceder a ellos en esta página.

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E-Navigation and GMDSS

Introduction E-navigation is defined as “the harmonized collection, integration, exchange, presentation and analysis of marine information on board and ashore by electronic means to enhance berth to berth navigation and related services for safety and security at sea and protection of the marine environment.”  It is intended to meet present and future user needs through harmonization of marine navigation systems and supporting shore services.

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IHO e-Learning Center

Find more about:  IHO e-Learning Center

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S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model

S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model The IHO has developed the S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model to cater for future demands for digital products and services.  The IHO Geospatial Information Registry contains several Registers containing managed lists of concepts, features attributes metadata, and other resources used to develop product specifications.

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Legacy website and other services unavailable

Following a fire at one of the IHO web hosting service providers, the IHO legacy website, the S-100 website, and some documents on the IHO website are currently unavailable.

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Legacy website and other services unavailable


Applicable extra information not captured in other HSWG categories will be provided here

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