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IHO Bulletin
The IHO Bulletin is normally published periodically in English, French and Spanish. It contains a summary of recent IHO meetings, events and other items of general interest.
IHO Publications
North Indian Ocean HC
Eastern Atlantic HC
Mediterranean and Black Seas HC
US / Canada HC
East Asia HC
External Liaisons
Inter-Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations are recognized as observers to be invited to meetings of the Assembly and all subsidiary organs and subordinate bodies of the IHO in which they have an interest and to which they can make a contribution. The IHO maintains a substantive number of Memoranda of Understanding and Co-operative Agreements with relevant organizations active in the maritime domain.
Finance Documents and Reports
The IHO operates under a three year budget approved by the Assembly and an annual operational Budget endorsed by the Council, overseen by the Finance Committee and approved by the Member-States through correspondence. The most up-to-date list of the Finance Committee Members is linked here. The Member States are informed via Finance Circular Letters which can be downloaded from the Circular Letters section - under the top menu called "About IHO".