SCUFN37 (2024)

37th SCUFN Meeting

SCUFN-37, 24 - 28 June 2024, Jeju, Republic of Korea,  face-to-face event

Last Update: 3 July 2024





Post Meeting Documents: [SCUFN-37 Summary Report expected date 1 October 2024:  .doc ; .pdf ] [List of Decisions and Actions from SCUFN37, draft version 0.2 dated 28 June 2024: .doc , .pdf ]
[Bulletin Report] [Group Photos SCUFN37: Group1, Members, Group3, In Session 1, 2, 3

Document No

Posted Date

Document Title

  12 Jan / 5 April 2024 SCUFN Letter 01/2024 announcing SCUFN-37 - See also Updated General Programme below (Doc. SCUFN37-02.1A)


23 Jan 2024


SCUFN-37 online registration

Logistic Information v5 ( .doc ) - Hotel Booking Form ( .doc )



List of Meeting Documents (this html page)
SCUFN37-01B 20 June List of Participants
Members and Observers of SCUFN



Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for SCUFN
SCUFN37-02.1A 5 April  General Programme
SCUFN37-02.2A Rev1  30 April / 7 May Agenda and Timetable Rev1 ( .doc ; .pdf )
SCUFN37-03.1A 13 May 2024 Lisf of Decisions and Actions from SCUFN36 and Status ( .doc , .pdf )
SCUFN37-03.2A   Proposed version 2.0 March 2024 of the Repository of Typical Cases - Presentation
SCUFN37-03.2B   Proposed version 2.0 March 2024 of the Cookbook for Generic Terms and way forward
SCUFN37-03.3A Rev1 24 / 25 June Proposal on the definitions for multiple features such as SEAMOUNTS, HILLS, and KNOLLS Rev1
SCUFN37-03.4A Rev1 30 April / 19 June Progress report on the way forward for naming undersea features located in the South China Sea
Status Updates on Joint Proposals on the Way Forward in the South China Sea Rev1
SCUFN37-03.4B 26 June Statement made by China
SCUFN37-03.4C 25 June Statement made by Malaysia
SCUFN37-03.4D 25 June Statement made by the Philippines
SCUFN37-03.4E 26 June Statement made by Viet Nam

4 June


3 May

Future of SCUFN - SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group:
- Membership List 
- Proposed TORs, draft version 0.4 ( .doc )

Useful References:
- History of the IAU Working Group Star Names (WGSN) at The Artificial Sky Jena 2023, by Eric Mamajek, founder of the WGSN
- Gazetter of Planetary Nomenclature > Documentation > IAU Rules and Conventions

SCUFN37-03.6A 29 April Features named in scientific publications not aligned with current definitions of generic feature terms
Proposal to update the name of the existing undersea feature “Ontong-Java Rise” 

SCUFN Sub-group B-6 I.D
Proposed version 5.0 of the TORs of SCUFN Sub-group B-6 I.D

SCUFN37-03.8A   SCUFN Education
Progress Report on SCUFN Education and Tutorial
SCUFN37-04.0A 23 May Situation Report on All Naming Proposals submitted to SCUFN-37 and pre-loaded in the GEBCO Gazetteer
SCUFN37-04.1A 2 Nov 2023 Proposals (2) from DHN, Brazil
SCUFN37-04.2A 3 March 2024 Proposal (1) from EMEPC, Portugal
SCUFN37-04.3A 15 March Proposals (7) from National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), India
SCUFN37-04.4A 5 February Proposal (1) from School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), University of Hawaii, USA
SCUFN37-04.5A 5 April Proposals (4) from Chile, SHOA
SCUFN37-04.6A 16 April Proposal (1) from Colombia, DIMAR
SCUFN37-04.7A 22 April Proposals (25) from Philippines, NAMRIA
SCUFN37-04.8A 19 April  Proposal (1) from Russian Federation, State Scientific Centre «Yuzhmorgeologiya»
SCUFN37-04.9A 22 April Proposals (10) from Japan, JCUFN
SCUFN37-04.10A 23 April  Proposal (1) from Palau, Territory and Boundary Task Force
SCUFN37-04.11A 23 April Proposals (18 + 16 fast-track) from Indonesia, Pushidrosal & BIG
SCUFN37-04.12A 24 April Proposals (3) from Brazil, DHN
SCUFN37-04.13A 24 April Proposals (25 + 3 fast-track) from Canada, DFO
SCUFN37-04.14A 24 April Proposals (22) from China, CCUFN
SCUFN37-04.15A 14 May Proposal (1) from Türkiye, Turkish Marine Research Foundation (cancelled by the proposer. Might be submitted for SCUFN-38)
SCUFN37-05.1A 23 May Report of ACUF Activities
SCUFN37-05.2A   Report of the NZGB Undersea Names Committee
SCUFN37-05.3A 26 June Report from Marine Regions - Presentation
SCUFN37-05.4A 15 June

Report from UN GEGN

Useful Reference: UN GEGN Bulletin Report N° 67 (See Oman, page 30).

SCUFN37-05.4B --  SCUFN List of Naming Authorities
SCUFN37-07.1A Rev1 31 May / 25 June Report by NOAA/NCEI on maintenance of the GEBCO Gazetteer (NOAA) and interoperability with SCUFN Operational Webservices -  - Presentation Rev1
SCUFN37-07.1B 10 June Monitoring the relationships with NCEI and KHOA to maintain and/or improve the Gazetteer by IHO Secretariat
SCUFN37-07.2B 5 April Updating Gazetteer from undersea feature naming decisions and actions from SCUFN-36
SCUFN37-07.2D 8 April Monitoring the list of PENDING names
SCUFN37-07.3A 20 June Status Report by KHOA on the development of the IHO SCUFN Archive/Repository/Submission. Work Plan - Presentation 
SCUFN37-07.3B Rev1 10 / 14 June Assessment by IHO Secretariat of  the Submission Interface of SCUFN Operations Web Services (OWS) Rev1
SCUFN37-07.3C 10 June Assessment by IHO Secretariat of SCUFN Operations Web Services (OWS) Repository and IHO SCUFN Digital Archives
SCUFN37-08.1A 26 June Update on Undersea Feature Names Project Team (UFNPT) and on the Detection of Undersea Features (DUF), an Ocean Decade Project -
SCUFN37-09.1A 14 June Suggestions for proposal preparation and review
SCUFN37-09.2A 24 June National names authority activities related to undersea feature name standardization
SCUFN37-10.1A   Draft SCUFN Programme of Work 2024-25 to be submitted to GEBCO Guiding Committee 

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Last modified: 03/07/2024 - 14:53