Basic Documents

Terms of Reference (EN, FR) (as of 6 March 2024) - Intersessional Work by Correspondence Rev1 (March 2024)
Membership List (as of 1 December 2024)
Terms of Reference of SCUFN Sub-Group B-6 I.D - Terms of Reference (TOR) on Assessing the Evidence Provided by National Authorities or other parties for the Naming of Undersea Features (as of 28 June 2024)
Terms of Reference of the Undersea Feature Name Project Team (UFNPT) (as of 3 April 2017) - UNFPT List of the Members (as of 3 March 2021)

Terms of Reference of the SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group (as of 28 June 2024Membership List (as of 2 July 2024)

At the 36th meeting of SCUFN (Wollongong, Australia, November 2023), the establishment of a SCUFN Naming 2030 Sub-Group was decided (Decisions SCUFN36/05.2/03 and /04 refer). This Sub-Group aims to prepare the future of SCUFN through the development of a new designator model, based on Geographic Feature Unique Identifier, and accepting multilingual attributes for the same feature. The SCUFN Secretary also recommended this Sub-Group to explore the solutions adopted by the International Astronomic Union Working Group on Star Names.

On-line GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names
Edition 4.2.0 of B-6, as of October 2019 (English & French versions enclosed)
List of Allowed Geometries

Template Form for Proposal (in accordance with Ed. 4.2.0 of B-6, October 2019) - Word version: eng / fra  ,  eng / esp 

Since SCUFN30 (Oct. 2017), printed and/or digital versions of proposal forms must be submitted no later than two months prior to a SCUFN Meeting.

GEBCO website (reports and additional information)










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Last modified: 06/12/2024 - 14:36