MBSHC24 (2024)


24th Conference 
2 - 4 July 2024, Constanta, Romania

Last Update: 9 July 2024


Post meeting documents:  [  Final Minutes, version  xx 2024,  Final List of Decisions and Actions as 9 July 2024 ( .doc  , .pdf ) ] - [Group Photo ; Chair Table ; In Session ; Group Photo Drone ]  - [Bulletin Report]

Document No

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Document Title

  15 Feb

MBSHC CL 05/2024 - Announcement and Invitation to the 24th MBSHC Conference, inc.
- Annex A: Provisional Conference Programme 
- Annex B: Provisional Conference Agenda
- Annex C: Logistic Information incl.:
                  * Hotel Dacia Sud Booking Form ( .doc )
                  * RMHD Participant Registration Form ( .doc )
                  * IHO online registration > MBSHC > MBSHC24

  19 June  AOB - Special MBSHC24
MBSHC24-01.1A   Welcome MBSHC24 

List of documents (this html page)

MBSHC24-01.2B 29 June List of Participants
MBSHC24-01.3A 29 June Confirmation Vice-Chair for MBSHC-24 - Election next Vice-Chair
MBSHC24-02A v2 29 April / 27 June Draft Agenda &Timetable v2 ( .doc , .pdf ) - Presentation
MBSHC24-03.1A v2 13 / 29 June Chair's report v2Presentation v2
MBSHC24-03.2A 12 Feb Minutes of MBSHC23 
MBSHC24-03.2B Rev1

15 Feb / 29 June / 3 July

Status on the Progress of the List of Actions&Recommendations from MBSHC23 Rev1 ( .pdf )

Status on the Progress of the List of Permanent Actions from MBSHC23 Rev1 ( .pdf )


Useful Reference: List of Decisions and Actions from MBSHC23 and Annex

MBSHC24-04.1A 26 / 30 June

IHO Secretariat's Report - Presentation
- Annex A: HSSC-16 Bulletin Report
- Annex B: IRCC-16 Bulletin Report

MBSHC24-04.2A   Outcome of C-7, Preparation of C-8
MBSHC24-04.3A   IHO Strategic Plan
MBSHC24-04.4A Rev1 21 / 30 June Information Management  Update Rev1 (IHO website...)
MBSHC24-04.5A   Cooperation with IMO
MBSHC24-04.6A Rev1 24 / 30 June Cooperation with CIESM Rev1
MBSHC24-04.7A   Cooperation with IOC
MBSHC24-04.8A   Cooperation with IALA
MBSHC24-04.9A   IHO Satellite Derived Bathymetry Best Practice Project Team
MBSHC24-05.1A   Report of HSSC Activities
MBSHC24-06.1A   Outcome of IRCC-16
MBSHC24-06.1B 27 June Overview of MBSHC Report to IRCC-16
MBSHC24-06.2.1   IHO Membership in the Region

National Reports (Member States) Disclaimer Notice:

    Albania, Algeria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye, Ukraine
  24 May Template for MBSHC24 National Report Highlights
MBSHC24-06.2.2a 26 June Albania  - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2b 10 May Algeria - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2c 25 June Bulgaria - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2d 28 June / 3 July Croatia - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2e 8 May / 4 July

Cyprus - Presentation

Statement by Cyprus: Comment on Türkiye’s National Report

MBSHC24-06.2.2f 26 June Egypt - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2g Rev1 10 May / 3 July France - Presentation Rev1
MBSHC24-06.2.2h 28 June Georgia - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2i 10 May / 8 July

Greece - Presentation

Statement#1 by Greece: on the adoption of the agenda
Statement#2 by Greece Rev1: on the adoption of the agenda - Map
Statement#3 by Greece: Comment on Türkiye's National Report - Map

MBSHC24-06.2.2j 22 May Italy - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2k 14 June Lebanon - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2l 25 June Malta
MBSHC24-06.2.2m 26 June Monaco - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2n 26 June Montenegro - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2o 27 June Morocco - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2p 10 May / 1 July Romania - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2s 26 June Slovenia - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2t 24 May / 1 July Spain - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.2w Rev1 29 May / 8 July

Türkiye - Presentation Rev1

Statement#1 by Türkiye - Comment on the statement from Greece (adoption of the agenda)
Statement#2 by Türkiye - Comment on the National Report from Cyprus
Statement#3 by Türkiye - Comment on NAVTEX Service Areas in the Aegean Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea

MBSHC24-06.2.2x 10 May / 13 June Ukraine - Presentation - Annex: The consequences of the destruction caused by the Russian aggression on the hydrographic capacities of SHSU
...   ...

National Reports (Associate Member States) Disclaimer Notice:

    Israel, Palestinian Authority, UK, USA
MBSHC24-06.2.3c 14 June United Kingdom - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.3d 14 May / 27 June USA - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.2.4A v2 15 / 27 June Report of BASWG v2
MBSHC24-06.2.4B 15 May Assigning one permanent quota from MBSHC to BASWG member states to be represented in the Council
MBSHC24-06.2.4C 17 June Consideration of the definition of Hydrographic Interests - Annex ( .xls )
MBSHC24-06.3.1A 25 June WENDWG14 Outcome
MBSHC24-06.3.2 Rev1 19 June / 3 July

Status of S-100 Coordination in the Region - Presentation Rev1

Draft TORs of the MBSHC S-1xxWG ( .doc )

Useful Reference: List of RHC/Charting Regions Coordinators

MBSHC24-06.4.1   Hydrographic Survey Status in the Region
MBSHC24-06.4.2 Rev1 21 June / 4 July

Region F ICCWG Report Rev1

Outcome of Region F ICCWG Discussion on some Articles of the TORs as of 2 July

Proposed Revised Wording of Art. 3.6 ( .ppt )

MBSHC24-06.5 9 May Report from NAVAREA III Coordinator - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.6 v3 17 / 19 June / 3 July Report from MSDIWG Ambassador (Italy) v3
MBSHC24-06.7.1   MBSHC Report to CBSC22
MBSHC24-06.7.2 v3 29 May / 27 June 3-Year MBSHC CB Plan and 2025 MBSHC CB Plan - Presentation v3
MBSHC24-06.8 28 June MBSHC Disaster Response Plan
MBSHC24-06.9A 14 June IHO-EU Network WG - Presentation
MBSHC24-06.10A 30 June GEBCO - Seabed 2030 Project - Crowd-Sourced Bathymetry 
MBSHC24-06.10B 12 April UKHO collaboration with Nippon Foundation - GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project
MBSHC24-06.10C 30 June CSBWG Presentation
MBSHC24-06.11A 17 June PRIMAR Report
MBSHC24-06.11B 29 June IC-ENC Presentation
Industry Presentations (ppt presentations on request only)
MBSHC24-06.12A 15 June SevenCs - Efficient S-100 Data Management
MBSHC24-06.12B   Fugro - National-Scale Multi-Scale Hydrographic & Ecosystem Mapping - The Mediterranean Ecosystem Restoration Project
MBSHC24-06.12C 29 June Esri - A GIS Perspective on Data-Driven Products & Services
MBSHC24-06.12D 29 June Teledyne Caris - CARIS Autochart
MBSHC24-06.12E 29 June Exail - Presentation

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Last modified: 09/07/2024 - 16:00