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Transition to digital data services and other priorities discussed at IHO Council

Representatives of 26 countries sitting on the IHO Council and Observers gathered last week in Monaco to review the work carried out and establish priorities for the coming years. This included progress with the transition to digital data services through the implementation of S-100, the Universal Digital Data Model, as well as hydrography’s contribution to global initiatives such as the Digital Twin of the Ocean.

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Transition to digital data services and other priorities discussed at IHO Council


Hydrography discussed at the UN Ocean Conference

The IHO organized a side event on the role of marine data to help address the competing needs of a broad range of ocean stakeholders at the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon on 28 June 2022. With many sessions during the week highlighting the need for baseline data and ocean mapping to support decision-making, this side event enabled panellists to draw attention to the central role hydrography can play in these endeavours.

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Hydrography discussed at the UN Ocean Conference


Inter-Regional Coordination Committee discusses strategic IHO endeavours

The Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) met last week in Denpasar, Bali to review progress and next steps for the Regional Hydrographic Commissions and various thematic working groups. Hosted by Pushidrosal, the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre of the Indonesian Navy, it provided a forum to discuss ocean mapping, nautical cartography, capacity-building, etc. as well as to identify actions to be taken at regional and global levels. 

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Inter-Regional Coordination Committee discusses strategic IHO endeavours


New chair & vice chair of GEBCO Guiding Committee

Members of the GEBCO Guiding Committee met online 18-20 January to discuss the project’s direction for the coming year, including upcoming initiatives, resource allocation etc. During the meeting, members elected Mr Evert Flier from Norway as the new chair of the Guiding Committee, and Dr Marzia Rovere from Italy as vice chair for 2021 – 2024.

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New chair & vice chair of GEBCO Guiding Committee


Empowering Women in Hydrography: A Transformative Three-Year Journey Towards Gender Equality

Like other disciplines within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), hydrography exhibits a gender imbalance, particularly in advanced career stages. Currently, just over 10% of the 99 Member States of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) have a female National Hydrographer. And while women represent roughly half the population, only 24.8% of them occupy leadership positions with national hydrographic offices. In today’s competitive world, organizations need qualified employees to help them achieve their objectives. By not tapping into half of the available talent pool, they could be missing out.   Acknowledging this disparity, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Canadian Hydrographic Service collaboratively initiated a Canadian-funded, groundbreaking three-year project titled "Empowering Women in Hydrography," aimed at fostering gender equality in the field.

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Empowering Women in Hydrography: A Transformative Three-Year Journey Towards Gender Equality


IHO welcomes 99th Member State

The Republic of Cabo Verde, an archipelago located 500km off the west coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean, has taken a stride towards improving its hydrographic capacity by becoming the 99th Member State of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). This strategic move positions Cabo Verde at the centre of international cooperation in the area of ocean affairs, unlocking a myriad of benefits for the nation and its rich marine environment.

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IHO welcomes 99th Member State


New IHO Council meets in Monaco

Representatives of IHO Member States discussed the future of digital data services and other priorities during the meeting of the new IHO Council. Taking place at the Secretariat in Monaco, the 30 countries sitting on Council met for the 1st time with the goal of coordinating the implementation of activities voted on during Assembly in May. The biggest topic of discussion was progress and next steps in the implementation of the Universal Digital Data Model, known as the S-100 framework.

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New IHO Council meets in Monaco


New date and venue for the IHO Assembly

Due to uncertainties regarding the availability of the traditional venue for the Assembly linked with its current use, the IHO Secretariat looked for alternatives. The Directing Committee has, after careful consideration and bearing in mind the organizational, logistical and financial consequences not limited to the Secretariat, decided that the 3rd Session of the IHO Assembly will take place at the Grimaldi Forum in the Principality of Monaco from 2 to 5 May 2023.

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New date and venue for the IHO Assembly


Lebanon joins the IHO

Lebanon has joined the International Hydrographic Organization. By becoming its 94th Member State, Lebanon will benefit from the organization’s resources and expertise in order to improve safety of navigation and contribute to the development of its maritime activities.

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Lebanon joins the IHO