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SAIHC MSDI Seabed2030 VTC Meeting 2nd February 2021
IHO C-55
The purpose of IHO C-55 Publication (available here) "Status of Hydrographic Surveying and Charting Worldwide" is to provide base data for governments and supporting international organizations as they consider the best means by which to implement responsibilities set out in Chapter V, Regulation 9, of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention. It also informs IHO input to the United Nations Global Maritime Assessment.
IENWG10 (2020)
10th Meeting of the IHO-EU Network WG – 10ème réunion du GT du réseau OHI-EU 14 - 15 January 2020, Paris Saint-Mandé, France Last Update: 31 July 2020
IENWG14 (2024)
14th Meeting of the IHO-EU Network WG – 14ème réunion du GT du réseau OHI-UE 29 May 2024 (Svendborg, Denmark) Last Update: 26 August 2024
Why CSB ?
Participating in the CSB Initiative benefits both those collecting the data and the communities of data users. These data contribute to increasing our knowledge, information which supports local regional and global initiatives in favour of the sustainable use of the oceans. They can also contribute to improved knowledge of seabed topography and better bathymetric maps or hydrographic charts in previously uncharted areas or areas lacking accurate data. This in turn can help avoid groundings and make navigation safer for all.
IENWG12 (2021)
12th Meeting of the IHO-EU Network WG – 12ème réunion du GT du réseau OHI-UE 8 - 9 December 2021, Hybrid (VTC and/or Brest, France) Last Update: 1 March 2022 Join the meeting:
Baltic Sea HC
Importance of Hydrography
Definition of Hydrography Hydrography is the branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers, as well as with the prediction of their change over time, for the primary purpose of safety of navigation and in support of all other marine activities, including economic development, security and defence, scientific research, and environmental protection. In addition to supporting safe and efficient navigation of ships, hydrography underpins almost every other activity associated with the sea, including: - resource exploitation - fishing, minerals,.. - environmental protection and management - maritime boundary delimitation - national marine spatial data infrastructures - recreational boating - maritime defence and security - tsunami flood and inundation modelling - coastal zone management - tourism - marine science