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ARHC13 (2023)
13th ARHC Meeting and Open Forum Nuuk, Greenland, Denmark 5 - 7 September 2023 Last Update: 13 November 2023
MBSHC Letters
Crowdsourced Bathymetry
Crowdsourced bathymetry (CSB) is the collection and sharing of depth measurements from vessels, using standard navigation instruments, while engaged in routine maritime operations. CSB test tracks (in green) collected by NOAA’s Bay Hydro II and overlaid on hydrographic survey data, demonstrates how changes can be detected. Image courtesy of NOAA.
North Indian Ocean HC
US / Canada HC
East Asia HC
External Liaisons
Inter-Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations are recognized as observers to be invited to meetings of the Assembly and all subsidiary organs and subordinate bodies of the IHO in which they have an interest and to which they can make a contribution. The IHO maintains a substantive number of Memoranda of Understanding and Co-operative Agreements with relevant organizations active in the maritime domain.
IHO Council
During the inter-Assembly period the Council coordinates the activities of the Organization within the framework of the strategy, work programme and financial arrangements, prepares proposals concerning the overall strategy and the work programme, considers the financial statements and budget estimates, review proposals submitted to it by subsidiary organs, proposes the establishment of subsidiary organs, reviews draft agreements between the Organization and other organizations. The Council meets one a year and submits its reports, obervations, recommendations, and draft decisions to the Assembly and the IHO Member States for approval. The General Regulations applying to the Council and the Rules of Procedures are part of the IHO Publication M-1 and can be downloaded from the Publications section, Category "M" - Miscellaneous.
Become a Member State
How to join the IHO to become a member state?