North Indian Ocean HC

Chair: Vice Admiral KOMSAN KLINSUKON (Thailand)
Vice-Chair: (Bangladesh)
Members: Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom.
Associate Members: Australia, France, Oman, Mauritius, Seychelles, USA.
Observers: Malaysia, Russian Federation, Sudan
IHO Representatives: Director Dr John NYBERG
Assistant Director Sam HARPER


Brief History

The North Indian Ocean Hydrographic Commission (NIOHC) was established in 2002 as the 13th Regional Hydrographic Commission with Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand and UK as initial members, with 03 associate member countries and 03 observer countries to promote greater navigational safety in the Indian Ocean region through common standards and procedures. The area of NIOHC covers  the northern part of Indian Ocean from Andaman seas to Gulf of Aden excluding the Gulf of Oman area. A large portion of the world’s maritime traffic passes through the area and therefore NIOHC has a vital role to play in assuring the safety of mariners within this area.

The first NIOHC meeting was held from 31st January to 03rd February 2002 at Dehradun, India, under the chairmanship of RAdm KR Srinivasan,  AVSM. Primary objectives of the formation of NIOHC includes mutual cooperation in the field of hydrography, establishment of regional ENC coordination, conducting joint hydrographic  surveys  in poorly surveyed areas and coordinating hydrographic resources in the region. 

Meeting Documents

Only documents for upcoming, current and previous years meetings are listed left. All earlier meeting documents are available from the IHO Document Archive.

Member States map

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Last modified: 12/02/2025 - 15:23