IHO - EU Network Working Group (IENWG)
The objective of the IHO-European Commission Network Working Group (IENWG) is to identify EU activities and processes on matters of interest to Hydrographic Offices (HOs) and liaise with relevant Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) WGs for technical matters (e.g. standardization).
IENWG considers and proposes the ways and channels to interface with EU policies, activities and processes (mechanisms) and advise IRCC and RHCs, when necessary, on the impact of EU policies, activities and processes in the maritime domain on the IHO programme of work.
It should also facilitate common actions of HOs related to EU programmes.
IENWG Office Bearers
Chair | Pierre-Yves DUPUY (France) |
Secretary | Adeline SOUF (France) |
Brief History of the Working Group
In application of the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 23 April 2012, the European Commission (EC) and the IHO have agreed to provide a framework ensuring a continuing liaison between the two sides in the specific areas of common interest including surveillance activities, offshore renewable energy, maritime spatial planning, integrated coastal zone management, marine observation and data networks, implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, marine research, data standards (including those specified by INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC) and co-operation with third countries.
The IHO-European Commission Network Working Group (IENWG) first decade of collaboration with the European Commission has been fruitful with the achievement of the digital seabed map, at the heart of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet), thanks to the concerted approach of European hydrographic offices (HOs) joined by other scientific institutes. The results have been fully incorporated in the global IHO and IOC GEBCO digital map of the seabed.
In addition to EMODnet, the EU Member States HOs work hand in hand on subjects of interest to the EC, such as the blue economy, maritime spatial planning, safety of navigation and e-navigation....
Since 2023, the IENWG has set up four (4) working tracks to tackle the challenges identified for strengthening its collaboration:
- Marine policies,
- Data Collection,
- E-navigation standards (IHO S100 based products), and
- Capacity Building.
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