NSHC37 (2024)


37th Meeting
 (8-10 April 2024, Malmo, Sweden

Post meeting documents:  [Draft Minutes]  [List of Actions]  [Photo]

Last updated:   27 March 2024

Document No

Document Title


NSHC37-CL01/2023 Meeting Dates and Initial Invitation  
NSHC37-Invitation NSHC37 Invitation Letter 17/01/24
NSHC37-Programme NSHC37 Outline Programme 17/01/24
NSHC37-Registration Online registration N/A
NSHC37-List Participants List of Participants N/A
NSHC37-A2 Draft agenda v2.0 18/03/24
NSHC37-A3 NSHC36 Minutes for approval 18/03/24
NSHC37-A4 NSHC36 List of Actions  11/03/24
NSHC37-B1 IHO Report 14/03/24
NSHC37-B2 Information about IHO Council  
NSHC37-C1 HSSC: Items relevant to NSHC, incl. S-100 implementation - HSSC Chair 18/03/24
NSHC37-C2 Status and continuation of the Resurvey Working Group (RWG) - Chair 19/03/24
NSHC37-C2.1 Advancements in Satellite-Aided Mapping - DEN 19/03/24
NSHC37-C2.2 Digitalization of Survey Specifications 26/04/24
NSHC37-C3 Report of Tidal Working Group (TWG) - TWG Chair 18/03/24
NSHC37-C4 Update on the ECS Project Team - UK 19/03/24
NSHC37-C5 Sample Production of S-127 dataset by BSH (Annex 1) (Annex 2) - GER 11/03/24
NSHC37-D1 Actions requested by IRCC - Chair/IRCC Chair 18/03/24
NSHC37-D1.1 NSHC Input to the IHO Strategic Plan - Chair/UK 11/03/24
NSHC37-D2 IHO-EU Network Report - GER  
NSHC37-D3 Status of the Baltic Sea North Sea Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (BS-NSMSDIWG) - NSMSDIWG Chair 14/03/24
NSHC37-D4 Report of the North Sea MSI Working Group (NSMSIWG) - NSMSIWG Chair (revised ToRs) 26/03/24
NSHC37-D5 Report of the NSHC representative to WENDWG  - UK 19/03/24
NSHC37-D6 Report of the North Sea INT Chart Coordination Working Group (NSICCWG) - UK 19/03/24
NSHC37-D7 Report of the IHO Capacity Building Sub-Committee, including report of EWH (CBSC) - GER  
NSHC37-D8 Status CSB/GEBCO/Seabed 2030 - NOR 26/03/24
NSHC37-D8.1 EMODNet Bathymetry Report - FRA 19/03/24
NSHC37-D9 NSHC Website - Chair  
NSHC37-D10 Report of Baltic Sea e-Nav project - SWE 19/03/24
NSHC37-D11 NHC IHR Report - NL  
NSHC37-E1 NSHC Statutes (Revised-Clean) (Revised-Redline) - Chair 11/03/24

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Last modified: 15/05/2024 - 16:23