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TWCWG4 (2019)

Tides, Water Level and Currents Working Group (TWCWG4) Meeting Busan, Republic of Korea - 8 to 12 April 2019

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SWPHC19 (2022)

19th Meeting 23-25 February 2022, VTC

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SWPHC21 (2024)

21st Meeting 28 February - 1 March 2024, Nadi, Fiji & 2-Day Technical Workshop on Disaster Recovery, 26-27 February 2024   Workshop provisional Agenda - Photo 

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SWPHC16 (2019)

16th Meeting 13-15 February 2019, Scenic Matavai Resort, Niue Technical Workshop on Disaster Response Planning and Data Discovery 11-12 February 2019, Scenic Matavai Resort, Niue

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SCUFN37 (2024)

37th SCUFN Meeting SCUFN-37, 24 - 28 June 2024, Jeju, Republic of Korea,  face-to-face event Last Update: 3 July 2024    

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HDWG2 (2018)

Hydrographic Dictionary Working Group (HDWG) LIST OF DOCUMENTS 2nd HDWG Meeting IHO, Monaco, 27-29 November 2018 Updated 20 December 2018 Post Meeting Documents:   [Report]  [Photo]  Document No Document Title HDWG2-CL01/2018 Letter of Invitation HDWG2-CL01/2018 Annex B Registration Form (Word version) HDWG2-CL01/2018 Annex B Registration Form (PDF version) HDWG2-CL01/2018 Annex C Meeting Logistic Information HDWG2-CL02/2018 Provisional Agenda HDWG2-01 HDWG2 Draft Agenda v1.3 HDWG2-01 Chair opening presentation HDWG2-03 List of Actions - HDWG1 - updated 26 November 2018 HDWG2-04.1 Report to HSSC9 HDWG2-04.2 Report to HSSC10 HDWG2-04.3 HSSC9 Report and Actions HSSC9 and HSSC10:ATTENTION!! - Extract HDWG2-05.1 ToRs and RoPs HDWG2-05.2 S-32 Business Rules HDWG2-06.3 S-100 GI Registry Structure Diagram HDWG2-07.2 IHO Hydrographic Dictionary Change Proposal Fields-Draft HDWG2-07.3 ABLOS TALOS Glossary Terms-Proposals HDWG2-08.1 Introduction to Arabic Language HDWG2-08.2 Introduction to Chinese characters and dictionary HDWG2-08.4 Spanish Language HDWG2-09 Work Plan 2019-2020 HDWG2-11 RHC Meeting Calendar HDWG2-18 Proposed draft agenda for HDWG3 HDWG2-Participants HDWG2 List of Participants    

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SWAtHC17 (2023)

17th Meeting  14 - 15 marzo 2023 - VTC  

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SWAtHC16 (2022)

16th Meeting  30 - 31 agosto 2022 - Montevideo, Uruguay (Hybrid) Seminario "Concientización en Hidrografía” 29 de agosto 2022

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SWAtHC18 (2024)

18th Meeting  09 - 10 abril 2024 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, República Argentina Información Logística reunión CHAtSO18 Link to the registration System   Agenda IV Seminario de Concientización Hidrográfica - Buenos Aires, Argentina 08 de Abril de 2024 

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