SWPHC21 (2024)
21st Meeting
28 February - 1 March 2024, Nadi, Fiji
2-Day Technical Workshop on Disaster Recovery, 26-27 February 2024
Workshop provisional Agenda - Photo
Revised SWPHC Statutes
Post meeting documents: [Draft Minutes (Word)] [Draft List of Actions Decisions (Word)]
Photos: [Photo1]
Records of a number of sessions from SWPHC20
Document No |
Document Title |
References |
SWPHC Circular Letters: (including logistics and other information)
SWPHC21-01A | List of Documents (this document) |
SWPHC21-01B | List of Participants |
SWPHC21-03v0.5 | Provisional Agenda and Timetable (1-Day SWPHC21 VTC Pre-Meeting Provisional Agenda) |
SWPHC21-04 | Draft Minutes of the SWPHC20 Meeting Word |
SWPHC21-05 | Status of Actions from SWPHC20 Word |
SWPHC21-06 | SWPHC Statutes |
SWPHC21-07.1_Rev2 | IHO Secretariat Report (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-07.2 |
Outcome of 7th IHO Council (C7)
National Reports | |
SWPHC21-08A | Summary of National Reports and Presentations |
SWPHC21-08B | Australia (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08C | Fiji (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08D | France (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08E | |
SWPHC21-08F | Papua New Guinea (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08G | Samoa (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08H | Solomon Islands (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08I | Tonga (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08J | United Kingdom (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08K | United States of America (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08L | Vanuatu Presentation (Presentation) |
National Reports - Associate Members | |
SWPHC21-08M | Cook Islands (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08N | Indonesia Presentation |
SWPHC21-080 | Kiribati (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08P | Nauru (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08Q | Niue (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08R | Palau (Presentation) |
National Reports - Observer States | |
SWPHC21-08S | Marshall Islands (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-08T | Tokelau Presentation |
SWPHC21-08U | Tuvalu Presentation |
SWPHC21-08V | Federated States of Micronesia |
SWPHC21-09 | Update from Pacific Islands Pilot Conference |
Relevant International / Regional organisations reports and activities | |
SWPHC21-10A |
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) (Presentation)
SWPHC21-10B | International Maritime Organization (IMO) |
SWPHC21-10C | Pacific Community (SPC) (Presentation) [Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC)] |
SWPHC21-10D | JICA |
SWPHC Draft Work Plan 2021-2026 | |
SWPHC21-11 |
Pacific One Maritime Framework (Presentation)
SWPHC21-12 | Update from Work Plan & Priorities Working Group (WP&PWG) - Theory of Change narrative - SWPHC Theory of Change to Workplan Diagram |
SWPHC21-13 |
Highlights of WENDWG14 (Presentation)
SWPHC21-14 | S-100 Implemantation progress (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-15 |
IHO MSDIWG (Presentation)
SWPHC21-16 | Digitalisation of Navigation in Solomon Islands (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-17 | |
SWPHC21-18 | Hydrography Leadership Programme (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-19 |
Capacity Building Update (Presentation)
SWPHC21-20 | Seabed 2030, South and West Pacific Ocean Regional Center (SaWPaC) SWPHC CSB / Seabed 2030 Coordinator Report (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-21 |
Crowdsourced Bathymetry (CSB) / IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB) (Presentation)
SWPHC21-22 |
UNGGIM IGIF Implementation and Case Studies
SWPHC21-22a |
Philippines update
SWPHC21-22b |
SWPHC21-22c | Kiribati update (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-23 | UKHO IGIF Maturity Assessment (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-24 | Pacific Sea level Rise Project (IGIF) (Presentation) |
SWPHC21-25 |
Update from International Charting Coordination Working Group (ICCWG)
SWPHC21-26 |
Update from SWPHC Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (MSDIWG)
Industry/Expert Contributors | |
SWPHC21-30.1 | ConsultingWhere |
SWPHC21-30.2 | EOMAP |
SWPHC21-30.3 | Fugro |
SWPHC21-30.4 | IIC Technologies |
SWPHC21-30.5 | Ocean Infinity |
SWPHC21-30.6 | P&O |
SWPHC21-30.7 | Raymarine |
SWPHC21-30.8 | Teledyne Geospatial - CARIS |
SWPHC21-30.9 | Woolpert |
SWPHC21-31 | Review of Actions and Decisions |
Highlights of report on GDMSS, MSI and NAVAREA Coordination (X, XI and XIV) | |
SWPHC21-10B | NAVAREA X Coordinator report |
SWPHC21-10C | NAVAREA XI Coordinator report |
SWPHC21-10D | NAVAREA XIV Coordinator report |
WORKSHOP Presentations |
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