SWPHC19 (2022)

19th Meeting
23-25 February 2022, VTC

Post meeting documents:  [Draft Minutes (Word)]  [Draft List of Actions & Decisions (Word)]  
Photos: [Photo1] [Photo2] [Photo3] [Photo4]  

Document No

Document Title

References SWPHC Circular Letters: (including logistics and other information)
Templates for National Reports and for Presentations
SWPHC19-01A List of Documents (this document)
SWPHC19-01B List of Participants
SWPHC19-02 V1.4 Provisional Agenda and Timetable
SWPHC19-03 Draft Minutes of the SWPHC18 Meeting Word
SWPHC19-04 Status of Actions from SWPHC18 Word
SWPHC19-05 SWPHC Statutes clean version with feedback (Red Line version DEC2021)
SWPHC19-05A SWPHC Statutes - Comments from France
SWPHC19-05B SWPHC Statutes - Comments from US
SWPHC19-05C SWPHC Statutes - Comments from UK
SWPHC19-06.1 IHO Secretariat Report Presentation
SWPHC19-06.2 Highlights of IRCC13 Presentation
SWPHC19-06.2A SWPHC Report to IRCC13
IRCC12 Report (Annexs: A - List of actions; B - List of Decisions;
                    C - Recommendations to RHCs; D -  WP2020-2021)
SWPHC19-06.2C IRCC 2021 Workshop - Strategic Plan 
SWPHC19-06.3 Highlights of HSSC13 - Presentation
SWPHC19-06.4 Highlights of WENDWG11 - Presentation
SWPHC19-06.5 Highlights of MSDIWG12 - Presentation
National Reports
SWPHC19-07A Summary of National Reports and Presentations
SWPHC19-07B Australia Presentation
SWPHC19-07C Fiji Presentation (input to P-5 and C-55)
SWPHC19-07D France Presentation
New Zealand Presentation
SWPHC19-07F Papua New Guinea Presentation
SWPHC19-07G Samoa
SWPHC19-07H Solomon Islands Presentation
SWPHC19-07I Tonga Presentation
SWPHC19-07J United Kingdom Presentation
SWPHC19-07K United States of America Presentation
SWPHC19-07L Vanuatu Presentation Presentation
National Reports - Associate Members
SWPHC19-07M Cook Islands Presentation
SWPHC19-07N Indonesia Presentation
SWPHC19-070 Kiribati Presentation
SWPHC19-07P Nauru Presentation
SWPHC19-07Q Niue Presentation
SWPHC19-07R Palau Presentation
National Reports - Observer States
SWPHC19-07S Marshall Islands Presentation
SWPHC19-07T Tokelau Presentation
SWPHC19-07U Tuvalu Presentation
Other Reports
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse
Authorities (IALA) Presentation
SWPHC19-08B International Maritime Organization (IMO)
SWPHC19-08C Pacific Community (SPC) Presentation
SWPHC19-09.1 Update from International Charting Coordination Working Group Presentation(ICCWG) 
SWPHC19-09.2A Update from Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (MSDIWG)
SWPHC19-09.2B NZ MGIWG - Enabling Integrated Marine 
Management initiative 
GDMSS, MSI and NAVAREA Coordination
SWPHC19-10A Highlights from NAVAREA Coordinators and MSI Coordinators reports 
SWPHC19-10B NAVAREA X Coordinator report 
SWPHC19-10C  NAVAREA XI Coordinator report (Self Assessment)
SWPHC19-10D NAVAREA XIV Coordinator report
SWPHC Draft Work Plan 2021-2026 
SWPHC19-12.1 Review of SWPHC18 Gap analysis & actions
SWPHC19-12.2A ToRs & RoPs 
Work Plan development - Theory of Change methodology 
Work Plan - Contribution to IHO WGs 
SWPHC19-12.2D Draft Work Plan 2022-2024
SWPHC19-12.3 Strategic Performance Indicators (SPI) Sub-Group 
SWPHC19-12.4 Hydrography Leadership Programme 
SWPHC19-12.5 S-100 and you – the impact of S-100 on all nations
UNGGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) & Open Data – the value proposition 
SWPHC19-13.1 Implementation of IGIF 
SWPHC19-13.2 Introduction to IGIF-H 
SWPHC19-13.3 Open Data, the value proposition 
SWPHC19-13.4 Panel Session
SWP Disaster Response 
SWPHC19-14.1 SWPHC Disaster Response Framework update 
UN Decade of Ocean Science 
SWPHC19-15.1 GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project
SWPHC19-15.2 Seabed 2030, South and West Pacific Ocean Regional Centre (SaWPaC) 
SWPHC19-15.3 NZ response to UN Decade 
Crowdsourced Bathymetry (CSB) / IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB) 
SWPHC19-16.1 Update on CSB and IHO DCDB activities
SWPHC19-16.2 SWPHC CSB/Seabed 2030 Coordinator report 
Industry/Expert Contributors 
SWPHC19-18.1 Fugro
SWPHC19-18.2 IIC Technologies 
SWPHC19-18.4 iXblue Pty Ltd 
SWPHC19-18.5 P&O Cruises Australia 
SWPHC19-18.6 SevenCs 
Capacity Building 
SWPHC19-19A  Highlights of report of CBSC19  Presentation
SWPHC19-19B PICTs CB Matrix review
SWPHC19-19C Update on 3-year Capacity Building Plan 
Identify future Capacity Building Initiatives for CBSC19,
to be delivered in 2022 
SWPHC19-19.2A  Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) 
SWPHC19-19.2B Pacific Regional Navigation Initiative (PRNI) Presentation
SWPHC19-19.2C  Review of Maritime Activities 
SWPHC19-19.2D Safety of Navigation Project (SoN) Presentation
SWPHC19-20 6th  IHO Council Meeting (C5) Presentation

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Last modified: 23/01/2025 - 03:54