MACHC20 (2019)

20th Meeting of the MACHC
2-3 December 2019 (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)

MACHC Seminar
4-6 December 2019 (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)

Post meeting documents: [Minutes] [List of Actions] [List of Decisions] [Photo]
Logistics and Registration: MACHC Letter N. 8 for Invitation [English] [Spanish]
MACHC Seminar: [MACHC Letter] [Program] [Report] [Photo]

Document No

Document Title

MACHC/MICC MICC Agenda (MICC Chair) Documents
Agenda item 1 Administration and Organizational Matters
MACHC20-01.2 v2 Agenda and Timetable (Chair) Español
MACHC20-01.3A List of documents (Chair) - This document
MACHC20-01.3B List of Participants (Chair)
MACHC20-01.4 v2 Minutes of the MACHC19 Meeting (Chair)
MACHC20-01.5 Status of the Action List from MACHC19 (Chair) Presentation
Agenda item 2 Developments, IHO bodies, Policy aspects
MACHC20-02.1 IHO Secretariat Report (IHO Secretariat)
MACHC20-02.1.1 IRCC Update (Chair) Presentation
MACHC20-02.1.2 v2 HSSC Update (Brazil) Presentation
MACHC20-02.2 IHO Council Report (Council Chair) Presentation
MACHC20-02.2.1 IHO Council Representation (Chair) Presentation
MACHC20-02.3 MSI/WWNWS Report (WWNWS-SC Chair)
MACHC20-02.4 Hydrography in Latin America: Trends and Perspectives (Hypack)
MACHC20-02.5 A Hydrospatial Information System, the Next Frontier for Hydrographic Office (ESRI)
Agenda item 3 National Report (templates: Report and Presentation - Presentación)
MACHC20-03A v2 Breakout Group Instructions
MACHC20-03B Breakout Group Results
  National Reports from Members
MACHC20-03.1 National Report Brazil Presentación
MACHC20-03.2 National Report Colombia Presentación
MACHC20-03.3 National Report Cuba Presentación
MACHC20-03.4 National Report Dominican Republic Presentación
MACHC20-03.5 National Report France Presentation
MACHC20-03.6 National Report Guatemala Presentación
MACHC20-03.7 National Report Guyana
MACHC20-03.8 National Report Jamaica Presentation
MACHC20-03.9 National Report Mexico Presentation
MACHC20-03.10 National Report Netherlands Presentation
MACHC20-03.11 National Report Suriname Presentation
MACHC20-03.12 National Report Trinidad and Tobago
MACHC20-03.13 National Report United Kingdom Presentation
MACHC20-03.13.1 National Report United Kingdom - Montserrat Presentation
MACHC20-03.14 v3 National Report United States of America Presentation
MACHC20-03.15 National Report Venezuela Presentación
  National Reports from Associate Members
MACHC20-03.16 National Report Antigua and Barbuda Presentation
MACHC20-03.17 National Report Barbados
MACHC20-03.18 National Report Belize Presentation
MACHC20-03.19 National Report Costa Rica Presentation Presentación
MACHC20-03.20 National Report El Salvador Presentación
MACHC20-03.21 National Report Grenada
MACHC20-03.22 National Report Haiti Presentation
MACHC20-03.23 National Report Honduras Presentación
MACHC20-03.24 National Report Nicaragua
MACHC20-03.25 National Report Panama Presentation
MACHC20-03.26 National Report Saint Kitts and Nevis
MACHC20-03.27 National Report Saint Lucia
MACHC20-03.28 National Report Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  Industry activities to support countries in the region
MACHC20-03.1.1 From Ship to Shore (QPS)
MACHC20-03.1.2 Raising hydrographic awareness using USV (iXblue)
MACHC20-03.1.3 Transparency in shallow water SDB: Levels of QA mechanisms and new SW capabilities (EOMAP)
MACHC20-03.1.4 S-101 production with Teledyne CARIS Software (Teledyne CARIS)
MACHC20-03.1.5 IIC Technologies: Data Streaming Solution and IHO S-5B/S-8B Certification (IIC)
Agenda item 4 Reports from Observing States and Organizations
MACHC20-04.1 International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA)
MACHC20-04.2 IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
MACHC20-04.3 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
MACHC20-04.4 Training offerings for the MACHC region (Spain)
Agenda item 5 Regional Capacity Building: Leveraging CB Partnerships
MACHC20-05.1 Capacity Building Committee (CBC) Report (CBC Chair)
MACHC20-05.2 Update of COCATRAM on its Regional Projects/Training Priorities (COCATRAM) Spanish
MACHC20-05.3 Building maritime and marine capacity in the Caribbean for climate resilience and sustainable development (IHO/IALA)
MACHC20-05.4 World Bank/Inter-American Development Bank Regional Mapping Projects (World Bank)
MACHC20-05.5A SEPRHC CB Priorities (Colombia)
MACHC20-05.5B SWAtHC CB Priorities (Brazil)
MACHC20-05.6 Technical Visit to Guatemala (USA)
Agenda item 6 Survey and Risk
MACHC20-06.1 Economic Assessment of Risks in Maritime Navigation across the GCR (UWI)
MACHC20-06.2 Global Statistical Analysis of Marine Incidents (UWI)
MACHC20-06.3 GEBCO/IBCCA (Mexico/Colombia)
MACHC20-06.4A DCDB Status Report (DCDB Director) Spanish
MACHC20-06.4B CSB Initiative (CSBWG Chair)
MACHC20-06.4C Seabed 2030 Project (GEGCO Representative)
MACHC20-06.5 Lidar Surveys in Jamaica and Haiti to Support Climate Resilience in the Caribbean (UWI)
MACHC20-06.6 Satellite-Based Hydrographic Surveying of Remote Small Island and Developing States (TCarta)
MACHC20-06.7 Enhancing the accuracy of current profiles from surface buoy-mounted system (Axys)
Agenda item 7 MACHC Response to Disasters
MACHC20-07.1 MACHC Response to Disasters Framework (Chair)
MACHC20-07.2 Response to Hurricane Dorian Impacts in the Bahamas (UK)
MACHC20-07.3 v5 Response to Hurricane Dorian Impacts in the Bahamas (Netherlands)
MACHC20-07.4 Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (ICG/Caribe EWS)
MACHC20-07.5 Modern Hydrographic Surveys as a Disaster Mitigation Tool (Fugro) Spanish
MACHC20-07.6 Real-time data input to a Common Operating Picture for Disaster Response (OceanWise)
MACHC20-07.7 Sonar Tools and Autonomous Platforms for Disaster Response Survey (Kongsberg)
MACHC20-07.8 Sonar Tools and Autonomous Platforms for Disaster Response Survey (Kongsberg)
Agenda item 8 Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure
MACHC20-08.1 MACHC-MSDIWG Report (MMSDIWG Chair) Work Plan - Layers Needed
MACHC20-08.2 UN/GGIM and WGMGI (WGMGI Chair) Presentation
MACHC20-08.3 Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA)
MACHC20-08.4 Navigation Datasets for Disaster Response (MapAction)
MACHC20-08.5 Need for a MSDI Across the Meso America and Caribbean Sea (UWI)
Agenda item 9 Nautical Charts and Publications
MACHC20-09.1 MICC Report (MICC Chair)
MACHC20-09.2A SWAtHC ENC Scheme (Brazil) Presentation
MACHC20-09.2B SEPRHC ENC Scheme (Colombia)
MACHC20-09.3 Proposed ENC Scheme for the MACHC (Colombia) Presentation
MACHC20-09.4 Future of the Paper Chart: Results of IHO Survey (IHO) Presentation
MACHC20-09.5 High Definition ENCs for Precision Navigation (ESRI)
MACHC20-09.6 WENDWG Report (WEND Chair)
Agenda item 10 Closing activities
MACHC20-10.1B Draft MACHC Report to A-2 (Chair)
MACHC20-10.1C Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) (UN-GGIM-WGMGI Co-Chair)
MACHC20-10.1D MACHC MSI Timetable - 9-11 December 2019 (WWNWS-SC Chair)


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Last modified: 01/07/2024 - 14:19