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S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model

S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model The IHO has developed the S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model to cater for future demands for digital products and services.  The IHO Geospatial Information Registry contains several Registers containing managed lists of concepts, features attributes metadata, and other resources used to develop product specifications.

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Applicable extra information not captured in other HSWG categories will be provided here

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CSBWG10 (March 2021)

  10th CSBWG Meeting 30 March-1 April 2021, Remote VTC Meeting Post Meeting Documents:   [Report]  [Photo]    Last updated:   29 April 2021   Document No Document Title Date CSBWG10-Invitation Letter Letter of Invitation v1.0   CSBWG10-Annex A Registration Form (pdf Version)   CSBWG10-Annex A Registration Form (Word Version)   CSBWG10-Annex B Logistic Information   CSBWG10-Document Template Document Template (Word version) 8 February 2021 CSBWG10-1.3-Agenda CSBWG10 Draft Agenda v8.0 26 March 2021 CSBWG10-1.4-Meeting Report CSBWG9 Meeting Report 30 March 2021 CSBWG10-1.4-IRCC12 Relevant outcomes of IRCC12 9 February 2021 CSBWG10-1.4-Action  List List of Actions - CSBWG9 - updated 30 March 2021 30 March 2021 CSBWG10-1.4.1-Action List Chair comments   CSBWG10-Day1 Read ahead documents 17 March 2021 CSBWG10-Day2 Read ahead documents 26 March 2021 CSBWG10-3.1 China CSB activities and proposal for International efforts 26 March 2021 CSBWG10-4.1.2 Regional Hydrographic Commission meetings 8 February 2021 CSBWG10-4.1.3 IHO CLs Generic Responses 4 March 2021 CSBWG10-4.1.4 Data Gathering Terminology 4 February 2021 CSBWG10-5.1 B-12 (IHO Guidance on Crowdsourced Bathymetry) Edition 2.0.3 8 February 2021 CSBWG10-5.1.1 Resolution 2/2007, as amended, dated 07.10.2020 30 March 2021 CSBWG10-5.2 Draft proposed amendments to B-12 12 March 2021 CSBWG10-5.2.1 Draft proposed amendments to B12 - Trusted Node 26 March 2021 CSBWG10-5.2.2 Proposal on the development of Chinese version of B-12 26 March 2021 CSBWG10-6.1     CSBWG10-6.2 ToRs and RoPs 8 February 2021 CSBWG10-6.5 Proposed draft agenda for CSBWG11 v1.0 30 March 2021 CSBWG10-Presentations 1 April 2021 CSBWG10-Participants CSBWG10 List of Participants - Final 2 April 2021      

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Alumni events

The alumni network of the JCBP, CHART and GEOMAC project has been expanding to a large community of nautical cartographer in the world. To strengthen the tie among alumni and to discuss various issues which are shared with world cartographers, the IHO and Nippon Foundation have hosted two alumni events. Please see from the left for the details.

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Basic Documents (Separate files)

Basic Assembly Documents   Convention on the IHO   General Regulations of the IHO   Financial Regulations of the IHO   Rules of Procedure - IHO Assembly   Rules of Procedure - IHO Council   Rules of Procedure - IHO Finance Committee

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Circular Letters

The IHO Secretariat communicates important information to Member States (MS) via Circular Letter (CL).  Some CLs invite Member States to provide feedback to the Secretariat (e.g. approval of new editions of IHO Standards).  In cases where MSs are invited to provide feedback via online form, the link to the form will be included in the CL. Further information is provided in CL 20/2019). All previous years CLs are available from the IHO searchable Document Archive. ________________ Spanish Circular Letters are available HERE

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Test Page - Calendars


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S-124 Project Team (S-124PT)

Chair: Mr Eivind Mong (Canada) Vice-Chair:    Secretary:  

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IHO-Republic of Korea Programme of Technical Cooperation

In line with the MOU between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the IHO for Support of the IHO Programmes signed on 16 June 2011, the Government of the Republic of Korea makes a contribution to the IHO for the capacity building activites but also technical standard as international and regional bases. The Republic of Korea wishes to make a contribution available to the IHO for the purpose of helping developing countries improve their ability to comply with international standards relating to hydrographic surveying, oceanographic observation, nautical charts and electronic navigation charts production. Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA)

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