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Map of Member States

IHO Membership Information The IHO has currently 100 Member States. The IHO Secretariat has been hosted by the Principality of Monaco since the creation of the organization in 1921. More information about IHO Member States (address, phone etc.) is available from the IHO Yearbook (Publications P-5) A large size map is available HERE / Map disclaimer.

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ABLOS11 Conference (2023)

The 11th ABLOS Conference will be held 11-12 October 2023, @ IHO Secretariat, Monaco. The latest information will be available on the dedicated conference website.

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Events & recordings

Date Event Link 30 April 2024 workshop on Ed 5.2.0 on the S100 standard Presentation Recording 22 November 2023 SWPHC S-100 Workshop #3 – S-100 Implementation Agenda Presentations:   Australia (AHO)   New Zealand (LINZ)   USA (NOAA)   United Kingdom (UKHO)   IIC   IC-ENC Recording May 2023 Hydrographic Leaders Programme Pilot evaluation report Pilot evaluation headlines (presentation)   Report Presentation   5th Pacific Regional Energy & Transport Ministers Meeting Technical Information Paper TI06: The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Strategic Plan 2021- 2026 and the South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission (SWPHC) Workplan. Agenda TI06   IHO/SWPHC Intervention Intervention & photo SWPHC, SPC, IMO and IALA Photo 22-24 February 2023 3-Day SWPHC20 Meeting Agenda   Agenda Item 12: Hydrographic Leaders Programme (intro to session) Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 13: Hydrographic Leaders Programme (group feedback) Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 14: Empowering Women in Hydrography (intro) Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 14: Empowering Women in Hydrography (online group) Recording   Agenda Item 15: Safety of Navigation: Delivering as one Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 16: Building Partnerships: Understanding the World Bank Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 16: UNGGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) - Implementation case studies Philippines Kiribati Recording Presentation Presentation   Agenda Item 21.2: Update from Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Working Group (MSDIWG) Presentation Recording 14 February 2023 1-Day SWPHC20 VTC Pre-meeting Agenda   Agenda Item 2: Cybersecurity Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 3: UNGGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF-H) – Implementation case studies Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 11: Empowering Women in Hydrography Presentation Recording   Agenda Item 12: Hydrographic Leaders Programme Presentation Recording 15,16 & 18 November 2022 Pacific Regional Transport Officials Meeting The IHO Strategic Plan 2021-2026 and the SWPHC Work Plan Agenda Paper Presentation  12 October 2022 SWPHC S-100 Workshop #2 – Updates and Value Proposition Agenda Presentations:    Australia (AHO)   New Zealand (NZHA)   Australia (AHO)    Fiji (FHS)    USA (NGA)    Singapore (MPA)    France (SHOM) Recording 1 July 2022 SWPHC Seabed 2030 Webinar #4: Moving ahead together: Summary, next steps and wrap-up Presentation Recording Photo 21 June 2022 SWPHC Seabed 2030 Webinar #3: CSB and the role of HOs and other data collectors Presentation Recording Photo 24 May 2022 SWPHC Seabed 2030 Webinar #2: Building the Map. How do we build the map? How can you access & contribute data? Presentation Recording Photo 10 May 2022 SWPHC Seabed 2030 Webinar #1: Where are we now? Introduction, Goals & Status of Mapping in the Region Presentation Recording 23-25 Feb 2022 SWPHC19 Agenda Item 12 SWPHC Draft Work Plan 2021-2026 Recording SWPHC19 Agenda Item 13 UNGGIM Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (IGIF) & Open Data – the value proposition Recording 17 Dec 2021 Hydrographic Leadership Programme Q&A Webinar Photo1 - Photo2 - Photo3 27 Oct 2021 S-100 Workshop #1 – experiences in implementing S-100 Recording Presentations:     France     New Zealand     Australia     United Kingdom      Fiji 22 Sept 2021 Extratropical Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System (ESTOFS) Workshop Recording Presentation    

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IHO Organigram

STRUCTURE OF IHO BODIES (Assembly, Council, Committees & Working Groups and Project Teams) (Click in the diagram below for access to Committees & Working Groups document pages) (Project Teams (PTs) are described under their parent Committee or Working Group page)

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Cartas Circulares del Consejo

pueden acceder AQUI          

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Folleto de la OHI

Si desean información adicional, pueden acceder aquí al Folleto de la OHI.             

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lettres circulaires

La Secretaría de la OHI comunica la información importante a los Estados Miembros (EMs) por Carta Circular (CC). Algunas Cartas Circulares invitan a los Estados Miembros a proporcionar su contribución a la Secretaría (pe. la aprobación de nuevas ediciones de Normas de la OHI).  En los casos en los que se invite a los EMs a proporcionar su contribución mediante el formulario en línea,  el enlace al formulario estará incluido en la CC (se proporciona información adicional en la CC N.° 20/2019). En esta página están incluidas únicamente las CCs de este año y del año pasado. Todas las CCs de los años anteriores están disponibles en el Archivo de documentos con motor de búsqueda del sitio web de la OHI.

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IHO Basic Documents

The basic documents of the IHO compose a constitutional framework, consisting of a set of general regulations for the operations of the organs of the organization, namely the Assembly, the Council and the Finance Committee. Together with agreements made with the Government of H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco and diplomatic notes exchanged between France and Monaco concerning the privileges and immunities of the IHO, all these documents are consolidated in the IHO Publication M-1. This set of basic documents is supplemented by the compilation of all IHO Resolutions in force as IHO Publication M-3 and can be downloaded from the "Publications" section, category "Miscellaneous Publications".                

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ENCWG meetings (old)

Lists of former ENCWG meetings.

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