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The IHO participates in various events throughout the year. This page includes details on some of the events aimed at the broader ocean community.

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BSHC27 (2022)

LIST OF DOCUMENTS 27th Meeting  Stockholm, Sweden, 20 - 22 September 2022 Post Meeting Documents: [Photo] [Minutes] [Actions] Updated:   16 November  2022   Document No Document Title BSHC27-Letter1 BSHC27 Letter of Invitation BSHC27-Letter1 Annex 1 Logistic Information  BSHC27-Letter1 Annex 2 Registration Form (pdf version) BSHC27-Letter1 Annex 3 Draft Programme (Updated 07/09/22) BSHC27-Letter1 Annex 4 Hotel reservation at the Scandic Anglais BSHC27_A1.2_List_Documents List of Documents - see this website BSHC27_A1.3_List_of-Participants List of Participants BSHC27_A3_Agenda Agenda for 27th Meeting of the BSHC (Updated 12/09/22) BSHC27_A4.1_BSHC26_Final_Minutes BSHC26 Final Meeting Minutes BSHC27_A4.2_BSHC26_List_of_Actions BSHC26 List of Actions BSHC27_B1_SE Council Report BSHC27_B2_IHO IHO Secretariat Report BSHC27_B4.1_National_Report_Denmark National Report of Denmark BSHC27_B4.2_National_Report_Estonia National Report of  Estonia BSHC27_B4.3_National_Report_Finland National Report of Finland BSHC27_B4.4_National_Report_Germany National Report of Germany BSHC27_B4.5_National_Report_Latvia National Report of Latvia BSHC27_B4.6_National_Report_Lithuania National Report of Lithuania BSHC27_B4.7_National_Report_Poland National Report of Poland BSHC27_B4.8_National_Report_Sweden National Report of Sweden BSHC27_C1 HSSC14 Report BSHC27_C2 Report fo Re-Survey Monitoring Working Group (MWG) BSHC27_C3 Chart Datum WG Report (CDWG) BSHC27_C4 High Denisty Contours in the Finnish ENCs (information paper) BSHC27_C5 Bathy Compilation Workflow in the Finnish HO (information paper) BSHC27_C6 Finnish Sailing Directions New Publication (information paper) BSHC27_C7 Chart On Demand (COD) & Certified Printed ENC (information paper) BSHC27_D1 Status report BSHC Strategic Correspondence Group (CSG) BSHC27_D1_INF Status NHC Strategic work Information Paper BSHC27_D2 Actions requested by IRCC14 BSHC27_D3 IHO-EU Network Report BSHC27_D4 Report of the Baltic Sea Bathymetric Database Working Group (BSBDWG) BSHC27_D5 (Presentation) Report of Baltic Sea North Sea Marine Spatial Data Information Working Group (BSNSMSDIWG)  BSHC27_D6 Report of the Baltic Sea MSI Working Group (BSMSIWG) BSHC27_D7 Report of the BSHC representative to WENDWG BSHC27_D8 Report of Baltic Sea INT Chart Coordination Working Group (BSICCWG) BSHC27_D9 IHO Capacity Building Sub-Committee (CBSC) Issues Review  BSHC27_D10 BSHC Website BSCH27_Presentations BSHC27_Draft_Actions Draft Actions BSHC27_Draft_Minutes Draft Minutes

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IHO Logo

IHO LOGO- Eglish version   IHO LOGO - French version   IHO Logo - Spanish version     IHO Anchor Tile   IHO Tiles - English - French & Spanish                           

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BSHC26 (2021)

LIST OF DOCUMENTS 26th Meeting  Virtual remote meeting, 21 - 23 September 2021 Post Meeting Documents: [Photo] [Minutes] [Actions] Updated:   10 November 2021   Document No Document Title BSHC26-Letter1 BSHC26 Letter of Invitation BSHC26-Letter1 Annex 1 Logistic Information v2.0 BSHC26-Letter1 Annex 2 Registration Form (pdf version) BSHC26-Letter1 Annex 3 Draft Programme v3.0 BSHC26_A1.2_List_Documents List of Documents - see this website BSHC26_A1.3_List_of-Participants List of Participants BSHC26_A3_Agenda Agenda for 26th Meeting of the BSHC v4.0 BSHC26_A4.1_BSHC25_Final_Minutes BSHC25 Final Meeting Minutes BSHC26_A4.2_BSHC25_List_of_Actions BSHC25 List of Actions - updated 20 August 2021 BSHC26_B1_SE Council Report BSHC26_B2_IHO IHO Secretariat Report BSHC26_B3.1_National_Report_Denmark National Report of Denmark BSHC26_B3.2_National_Report_Estonia National Report of  Estonia BSHC26_B3.3_National_Report_Finland National Report of Finland BSHC26_B3.4_National_Report_Germany National Report of Germany BSHC26_B3.5_National_Report_Latvia National Report of Latvia BSHC26_B3.6_National_Report_Lithuania National Report of Lithuania BSHC26_B3.7_National_Report_Poland National Report of Poland BSHC26_B3.8_National_Report_Russian Federation National Report of Russian Federation BSHC26_B3.9_National_Report_Sweden National Report of Sweden BSHC26_B4_IHO-EU Network_SE IHO-EU Network Report BSHC26_C1_FI MWG Report BSHC26_C2_SE Chart Datum WG Report BSHC26_C3_SE BSBDWG WG Report BSHC26_C4_DK BS-NSMSDIWG Report BSHC26_C5_SE BSMSIWG Report BSHC26_D1_DK Information about  the NHC strategic work BSHC26_D1.2_SE BSHC response to IHO Strategic Plan BSHC26_D2_FI WEND-WG Report BSHC26_D3_FI The need for regional coordination of S-100 implementation BSHC26_D4_FI BSICCWG Report BSHC26_D5_DE IHO Capacity Building Sub-Committee Issues Review (CBSC) BSHC26_D6_SE BSHC Website BSHC26_D7_SE Seabed 2030 BSHC26_D8_DK CSBWG Report BSHC26_D9_DK New Chart Production System BSHC26_E1_SE Amended Statues BSCH26_Presentations BSHC26_Draft_Actions Draft Actions BSHC26_Draft_Minutes Draft Minutes

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Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (HSPT)

Chair: Mr Christophe Vrignaud (France) Vice-Chair:  Mr Nickolás de Andrade Roscher (Brazil) Secretary: Mr David Wyatt (IHO)

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What is Hydrography ?

Hydrography involves measuring the depth of the water and fixing the position of all the navigational hazards that lie on the seafloor, such as wrecks and rocks. This is done mainly with specialised ships and boats operating echo sounders and sonars, but also using survey aircraft fitted with lasers. Useful information can also be derived sometimes from satellite observations. Hydrography also involves measuring the tide and the currents. The most well-known application of hydrographic information is for making the nautical charts that all mariners use for navigation. Hydrographic information is required for the safe, efficient and sustainable conduct of every human activity that takes place in, on or under the sea.

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ARHC Letters

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Basic WG Documents

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