3rd IHO Lab Meeting (2022)
3rd Meeting of IHO-Singapore Lab Governing Board
16th March 2022, 10:00 - 12:00 (UTC+1, CET) / VTC Event
Post Meeting Documents: [Minutes: .pdf] - [Bulletin Report] - [Group Photo]
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Date posted
Document Title |
GBM03-A | List of Documents (this page) | |
GBM03-B | 4Mar2022 | Provisional Agenda (.doc; .pdf) |
GBM03-01A | Confirmation of Minutes of the Last Meeting | |
GBM03-01B | 17Jan2022 | Review and Update actions of the last Meetings (.xls as of 17 Jan 2022) |
Assessment of Part 2 Project Proposals submitted by Chairs of ENCWG and NIPWG b. Marine Harbor Infrastructure Database Project (S-131) Proposal Part 2
GBM03-3.a GBM03-3.b
11Mar2022 |
Potential Projects under discussion a. Creation and test-bedding of ECDIS capable of displaying S-102 Bathymetric Surface and S-104 Water Level products on S-57 and S-101 ENCs
b. Involvement in IHO Mass Autonomous Surface Ships Project Team
Rules of Procedure for the IHO Lab Governing Board_rev2 (.doc; .pdf) |
GBM03-5 | Any Other Business | |
GBM03-6 |
Next meeting (Venue and Date)
Informal Session | 14April | Note_Proposer Session: 12April2022 |
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