CSBWG15 (April 2024)


15th CSBWG Meeting
23-25 April 2024

IHO Secretariat, Monaco



Post Meeting Documents:   [Report] [Draft Actions] [Photo] 
Last updated: 27 March 2024

Document No

Document Title

CSBWG15-Invitation Letter Letter of Invitation 
CSBWG15-Registration Link to Online Registration
CSBWG15-Hotel Logistics Hotel Recommendations 
CSBWG15-A Work Item Report Template (Word version)
CSBWG15-B Work Item Presentation Template (PowerPoint version)
CSBWG15-C List of Participants
CSBWG15-1.1 Welcome and opening remarks - Presentation
CSBWG15-1.3 Draft Agenda 
CSBWG15-1.4a CSBWG14 Report 
CSBWG15-1.4b-Action List CSBWG14 List of Actions 
CSBWG15-2.2 DCDB update
CSBWG15-3.1 Work Item A Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.2 Work Item B Report - Presentation - Annex A
CSBWG15-3.3 Work Item C Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.4 Work Item D Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.5 Work Item E Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.6 Work Item F Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.7 Work Item G Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.8 Work Item H Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.9 Work Item I Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-3.10 Work Item J Report - Presentation
CSBWG15-4.2 SO-SI Webinars
CSBWG15-4.3 DQWG Update
CSBWG15-4.5 Suggested INF Paper to HSSC
CSBWG15 Work Plan CSBWG 2023 Work Plan

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Last modified: 23/07/2024 - 12:00