MACHC Letters

(English & Spanish only)

Letter2/2025 - Transition of MACHC Chair (English/Spanish
Letter1/2025 - Transition of MACHC Chair (English/Spanish)
Letter12/2024 - Hosting of MACHC26 (English/Spanish
Letter11/2024 - Invitation for Contributing Organisations to attend MACHC25 as observer
Letter10/2024 - Invitation for SWAtHC to attend MACHC25 as observer
Letter09/2024 - Invitation for SEPRHC to attend MACHC25 as observer
Letter08/2024 - Invitation for USCHC to attend MACHC25 as observer
Letter07/2024 - Invitation for EAHC to attend MACHC25 as observer
Letter06/2024 - Selection of MACHC Chair and Vice Chair (English/Spanish
Letter05/2024 - MACHC25 Provisional Agenda and National Report/Presentation (English/Spanish
                          Provisional Agenda MACHC25 (in English and Spanish
                          National Report Structure/Template 
Presentation Template (in English and Spanish
                          Annex A MACHC24 Actions and Decisions (with IRCC Recommendations added) 
                          MACHC IRCC16 Presentation  
Letter04/2024 - MACHC25 - Seminar invitation letter English/Spanish (Annex B1- Digital Application Form)
Letter03/2024 - MACHC25 - Invitation letter English/Spanish (MACHC25 Logistics Information English/Spanish)
Letter02/2024 - Letter_MACHC_Chair _to_Bahamas_MFA
Letter01/2024 - Vice Chair Nominations
Letter12/2023 - Hosting of MACHC25 (Spanish)
Letter 8/2023 - MACHC24 Initial Invite, Logistics & Registration Letter (Spanish)
Letter 7/2023 - Succession of MACHC Chair (Spanish)
Letter 4/2023 - Transition of MACHC Chair 
Letter 3/2023 - Transition of MACHC Chair (Spanish)
Letter 2/2023 - Replacement of the MACHC Coordinator to the Seabed 2030 Project 
Letter 1/2023 - Draft minutes of MACHC20 (Spanish)- Final Minutes - List of Actions - List of Decisions
Letter 25 - MACHC23 Revised Agenda (Spanish) / Updated Minutes of MACHC22 / MACHC22 Revised List of Actions / List of IRCC Actions and Recommendations for MACHC
Letter 24 - Call nominations MACHC representation IHO Council (Spanish)
Letter 23 - Call nominations MACHC Vice-Chair (Spanish)
Letter 22 - Invitation for MACHC23 Conference - UWI
Letter 21 - Invitation for MACHC23 Conference - IC ENC
Letter 20 - Invitation for MACHC23 Conference-IOCARIBE
Letter 19 - Suriname's offer to host the 24th Conference of the MACHC in 2023 Annex
Letter 09 - Reemplazo representante MACHC Taller Administracion Bases Datos Hidrograficas (Anexo)
Letter 08 - 23rd Conference of the MACHC (Spanish)
Letter 07 bis - Report to IRCC14 (Spanish) ( Draft Report to IRCC14)
Letter 07 - Taller para Administración de Bases de Datos Hidrográficas; Oficio INOCAR; Participants
Letter 06 - Hosting of 23rd Conference of the MACHC (Spanish)
Letter 05 - Submission of MACHC Capacity Building Projects
Letter 04 - Change of the Area of Coverage of the MACHC
Letter 03 - Strengthening Partenership between CDEMA and MACHC
Letter 02 - IHO Strategic Plan Gap Analysis (Spanish); Annex A; Annex B; Annex C (Spanish); Annex D; Annex E; Annex F
Letter 01 - MACHC Draft Minutes, Decisions & Actions (Spanish); Draft Minutes; List of Actions; List of Decisions
Letter 19 - Comments on SPI allocated to IRCC - Annex
Letter 18 - Assumption of the Role of MACHC Chair (Spanish)
Letter 17 - Transition of MACHC Chairmanship (Spanish)
Letter 16 - Succession of MACHC Chairmanship (Spanish)
Letter 15 - Agenda of the 22nd Conference of the MACHC Rev1 (Spanish); Annex - MACHC22 Agenda Rev1 (Spanish)
Letter 14 - Invitacion Seminarios Web; Annex A - Agenda Seminario Web S-100Anexo B - Agenda Webinar Seabed2030Anexo C - Directrices Participante Interactio
Letter 13 - Invitation to WebinarsAnnex A - Webinar S-100; Annex B - Webinar Seabed2030
Letter 12 - Invitation to IHO Council Chair
Letter 11 - Invitation to the 2021 MACHC Webinars (Spanish)
Letter 09 - Virtual MACHC22 (Spanish)
Letter 08 - Revised Statutes (Statutes Clean) (Statutes Marked) (Spanish)
Letter 07 - Draft MACHC Report to IRCC for review  (Spanish)
Letter 06 - CB Proposals
Letter 05 - Assumption of the Role of MACHC Chair (Spanish)
Letter 04 - Transition of MACHC Chair - Letter to IHO (Spanish)
Letter 03 - Transition of MACHC Chair (Spanish)
Letter 02 - Revised MACHC Statutes (Spanish)
Letter 01 - Review MACHC21 Documents (Spanish) (21st MACHC Conference Minutes_01.30.2021.Final_Draft.docx
Letter 10 - Chair and Vice Chair of the MACHC (Spanish)

Letter 9 - Invitation for MACHC21 (Spanish) / Annex A - Registration Guidelines / Annex B Agenda (Spanish) / Annex C - Templates [Structure of National Reports] [Presentations - Spanish] / Annex E: Interactio User Guide

Letter 8 -  MACHC Seabed 2030 1st Webinnar (Spanish)
Letter 7 -  MACHC Seabed 2030 Webinars (Spanish)
Letter 6 -  Transmittal of Draft MACHC Report to IRCC12 (Spanish) (MACHC Draft Report to IRCC12)
Letter 5 -  Virtual MACHC21 Conference (Spanish)
Letter 4 - Seabed 2030 Coordination (Spanish)
Letter 3 - Dates for MACHC21 and extension of deadline for comments on MACHC20 meeting minutes and actions (Spanish)
Letter 2 - MACHC Representatives to the IHO Council
Letter 1 - Draft minutes of MACHC20 - Spanish - Draft Minutes - List of Actions - List of Decisions
Letter 14 - IHO Council Representation - Spanish

Letter 13 - National Report Templates - Spanish (Templates: Report and Presentation Presentación)

Letter 12 - Invitation to the MSI Course (Template: registration form)
Letter 11 - Invitation to the MACHC Seminar (Template: registration form)
Letter 10 - MACHC20 Revised agenda, MACHC19 list of actions and minutes (English) / Revisión de la agenda de la MACHC20, lista de acciones e informe de la MACHC19 (Español)
Letter 09 - MACHC Vice-Chair (English) / Vice-Presidente de la MACHC (Español)
Letter 08 - Invitation to the MACHC20 Conference (Invitación para la Conferencia MACHC20) / Annex A - Registration Guidelines  /  Annex B - Logistics information (English/Español) / Annex C - Provisional Agenda (English)  /  Agenda Provisional (Español) / Annex D - Template for National Report Presentation
Letter 07 - IHO Strategic Plan (Plano Estratégico de la OHI)
Letter 06 - MACHC Reponse to Disasters Annex (Word file: English - Español)
Letter 05 - MACHC Chair report to IRCC11 Annex C (Excel file)
Letter 04 - Transition of the MACHC Chair and Vice Chair
Letter 03 - Minutes and action list from MACHC19 - Annex A Annex B
Letter 02 - ToR of the MACHC-MSDIWG - Annex
Letter 01 - Confirmation of the MACHC20


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Last modified: 21/03/2025 - 04:16