MACHC23 (2022)

23rd Meeting of the MACHC
28 November - 2 December 2022

Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

MACHC Seminar: [MACHC Letter 14/2022] [Agenda] [Report] [Photo] [Presentations]
Post meeting documents: [Minutes] [List of Actions] [List of Decisions] [Photo]
Registration and National reports:
MACHC Letter N.8/22 Invitation [English] [Spanish]
MACHC Letter N.18/22 Conference Arranjements [English] [Spanish]
Registration Guidelines [English] [Spanish] / Logistics Information [English] [Spanish]
Provisional Agenda  [English] [Spanish]
VTC participation link:
N. Document Title
Agenda item 1 - Administration and Organizational Matters
MACHC23-01.2_Rev4 Agenda and Timetable (Chair) [Spanish]
MACHC23-01.3A List of documents (Chair) - This document
MACHC23-01.3B List of Participants (Chair)
MACHC23-01.4 Minutes of the MACHC22 Meeting (Chair)
Status of the Action List from MACHC22 (Chair) [Presentation]
MACHC23-01.5.1 Revised List of actions
Agenda item 2 - Developments, IHO bodies, Policy aspects
MACHC23-02.1 IHO Secretariat Report (Spanish) [Presentation]
MACHC23-02.2 Council Update [Presentation]
MACHC23-02.2.1 Overview of election process for MACHC representatives to the IHO Council [Presentation]
MACHC23-02.3 IRCC Update [Presentation]
MACHC23-02.4 WWNWS Report [Presentation]
Agenda item 3 - National Report (templates: Report and Presentation - Presentación)
MACHC23-03A Breakout Group Instructions (Summary Template Presentation)
  Plantilla grupo discusion implementacion S-100
  MACHC Group [A/B/C] Implementation of S-100 based products and services
MACHC23-03B Breakout Group Results (03B1 - Group A) (03B2 - Group B) (03B3 - Group C)
  National Reports from Members
MACHC23-03.1 National Report Brazil [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.2 National Report Colombia [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.3 National Report Cuba [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.4 National Report Dominican Republic [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.5 National Report France [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.6 National Report Guatemala [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.7 National Report Guyana [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.8 National Report Jamaica [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.9 National Report Mexico [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.10 National Report Netherlands [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.11 National Report Suriname (Annex C-55) [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.12 National Report Trinidad and Tobago [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.13 National Report United Kingdom [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.14 National Report United States of America [Presentation - English - Spanish]
MACHC23-03.15 National Report Venezuela [Presentation]
  National Reports from Associate Members
MACHC23-03.16 National Report Antigua and Barbuda [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.17 National Report Barbados
MACHC23-03.18 National Report Belize [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.19 National Report Costa Rica [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.20 National Report El Salvador [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.21 National Report Grenada [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.22 National Report Haiti [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.23 National Report Honduras [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.24 National Report Nicaragua
MACHC23-03.25 National Report Panama
MACHC23-03.26 National Report Saint Kitts and Nevis [Presentations]
MACHC23-03.27 National Report Saint Lucia
MACHC23-03.28 National Report Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [Presentation]
MACHC23-03.29 National Report Dominica [Presentation]
Agenda item 4 - Reports from Observing States and Organizations
MACHC23-04.1 The importance of the Mississippi River [Presentation]
MACHC23-04.2 International Maritime Organization (IMO) [Presentation]
MACHC23-04.3 IALA - Update on S-200 [Presentation]
MACHC23-04.4 IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE)
MACHC23-04.5 The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) 
Agenda item 5 -  Capacity Building
MACHC23-05.1 CBC Report [Presentation] [CB Plan 2023-2025]
MACHC23-05.2 MSI Workshop Report [Presentation]
MACHC23-05.3  Challenges of Hydrography - Xylem [Presentation]
MACHC23-05.4 NGA Strategic Partnerships [Presentations]
MACHC23-05.5 SEPRHC Main Activities [Presentation]
Industry activities 
MACHC23-05.6A  IIC Academy: Contributing to Hydrographic Certification - Bringing Training to your Doorstep - IIC Technologies [Presentation]
MACHC23-05.6B Building Satellite Derived Bathymetry Capabilities in the MACHC Region through Collaborative Projects - TCarta [Presentation]
MACHC23-05.6C Going deep into the learning of hydrographic tools - Capacity Building and collaboration programs from Kongsberg Maritime [Presentation]
Agenda item 6 - Survey and Risk
MACHC23-06.1 MACHC Seabed 2030/CSB Report [Presentation] [2022 Workplan] [2023 Work Plan]
MACHC23-06.2 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Measures of Maritime 
Navigation in the Caribbean Sea - UWI [Presentation]
Industry activities 
MACHC23-06.3A Application and Benefits of Physics-based SDB within the MACHC Region - EOMAP [Presentation]
MACHC23-06.3B  What's new in HYPACK 2022 ? - Xylem [Presentation]
MACHC23-06.3C Norbit Multibeam Products - NORBIT Subsea [Presentation]
MACHC23-06.3D Improving Current Measurements in Moored Buoys - AXYS Technologies [Presentation] 
Agenda item 8 - Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure
MACHC23-08.1 MMSDIWG Report [Presentation] [Work Plan]
MACHC23-08.2  Progress on IDEM-DHN (Presentation)
MACHC23-08.3  Unlocking Value of Information - OGC [Presentation]
MACHC23-08.4  GMDTS [Presentations]
Agenda item 9 - Nautical Charts and Publications
MACHC23-09.1 MICC Report  [Presentation] [WorkPlan
MACHC23-09.2 MACHC ENC Gridding Scheme [Presentation]
MACHC23-09.3 MACHC WEND-100 Matrix [Presentation]
MACHC23-09.4   MACHC S-100 Coordinator Role [Presentation]
Activities on S-100 standard 
MACHC23-09.5A IC-ENC S-100 progress update - IC-ENC [Presentation]
MACHC23-09.5B IHO S-100 in Support of e-Navigation and Port-Shipping Operations - Esri [Presentation]
MACHC23-09.5C  Your roadmap to S-101 and S-57 production with CARIS - Teledyne 
Geospatial [Presentation]
MACHC23-09.5D SevenCs short update on S-100 tools - SevenCs [Presentation]
Closing activities 
 MACHC23-10.3 Proposal for the establishment of a Maritime Safety Information (MSI) Working Group
 MACHC23-10.6 Proposal Letter Suriname to Host MACHC24

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Last modified: 01/07/2024 - 14:18